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Iwish it were summer. If it were summer, I could wear a flowy dress, and maybe some cute sandals. Show myself off a little. But since it’s December, I have to tuck myself into a massive coat and a knitted hat. I consider leaving the hat at home. My hair always gets crazy staticky when I wear it, but it’s far too cold.

Before I head out the door, I grab my phone and read through our messages again, making sure I’ve got the time right.

And now I’m sweating again.

Not because of the coat. I’m sweating because of the fact that I’m about to go on a date with agorgeousman who seems genuinely nice. Those are not easy to come by. Tanner and I matched on a dating app, and we’ve been texting nonstop for the past month. He finally asked me out on a date, and I guess I’m about to find out if I was being catfished all along, or if he’s really that hot in real life.

Taking a look in the mirror, I see that I have a smudge of mascara in the corner of my eye. When I wipe it off, a black line drags across my cheekbone. Great.

While I clean it off my skin, I get a text.

Looking forward to seeing you.

It’s from Tanner. I smile and start to type out a response, but I erase everything again. I let my fingers hover over the screen, and I bite my lip. I want to write something funny, something that’ll make him think I’m hilarious. But also smart and sophisticated. My mind is blank. Maybe I’m none of those things, come to think of it. So instead, I say the most generic thing I can think of.

Me, too. About ready to leave.

Wow. That was probably the most boring text I’ve ever sent. I’ll just have to dazzle him over coffee instead.

I slip my ankle boots on over my feet and give my carefully curled hair one last look in the mirror before I drag my knitted hat over it. My heart is racing as I walk down the stairs, and the cold December air hits me as soon as I step outside. There are lights everywhere, and I can see some version of Santa Claus wherever I look. I haven’t even gotten a tree yet, and I honestly don’t think I will. I get enough of the holiday vomit just stepping out the door.

It’s not a long walk to the coffee shop where we’re meeting up, but I manage to slip on the icy sidewalk no less than three times before I get there. I feelincrediblygraceful. The place is packed when I step inside, and I do a quick scan of the people sitting there. I can’t see Tanner anywhere. I’m at the right place, aren’t I?

Oh, crap. It’s happening again. He’s standing me up. I’m getting…


I turn around, and there he is. Tall, luscious hair that’s styled to perfection, and a smile that lights up his face. God, he’s cute. He’s wearing a coat that looks warm without being bulky, like something you just throw on as a complementary piece to the rest of your outfit. There’s a sprinkling of snow on his shoulders that look like dandruff, but that’s the only sign that he didn’t just step out from the pages of a fashion magazine. I then realize that I haven’t said anything yet, so I force myself to smile.

“Hi!” I exclaim, a bit too loud. “It’s great to finally meet you.”

We do a sort of awkward half-hug thing, and he, of course, smells amazing. Deep and rich andmale. I forgot to put on perfume today. Hopefully, my body wash does its thing.

“So,” Tanner says, “coffee. What’s your drink?”

I usually get some sort of frappé, or maybe a latte with extra foam. But maybe I should get something else. He looks like the type of guy who gets an espresso or just takes his coffee black.

“Um… I’ll just have an espresso, I think.”

“Yeah?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

“Definitely. It’s what I always get.”

Tanner nods. “Okay, then. One espresso coming up.” We walk up to the barista behind the counter. Tanner smiles at her, and I see her cheeks go pink. I can’t blame the girl; heispositively swoon-worthy.

“Hi, there,” he greets her. “One espresso for my friend here, please. And I’ll have a latte. Extra foam.”

Crap. I really want a latte, too. Instead, I’ll have to make do with the tiny cup the barista hands me, filled with black tar. We find a table by one of the windows, and I finally get to take off my coat. It was getting a bit sweaty under there.

“There are so many people out today,” Tanner remarks and looks outside.

“Well, itisDecember,” I reply. “It’s the busiest time of the year, especially in this town.”

North Pole, Alaska. The Christmas Town. There’s always a lot of tourists around, but December is on a whole other level.

Tanner laughs. “Yeah, I was honestly a little shocked when I moved here. I never thought people could bethatinto Christmas.”
