Page 21 of Mama

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“I think what Fiona is saying is that we are sorry for the incident. We really do love being with the circus. We aren’t sure what happened with Htaed. He usually responds to our commands. It’s almost like he was being controlled by someone else.”

Oh snap, I see what you did there, Phillip, casting a shadow of doubt on your culpability. Sneaky, but he was certainly more convincing than Fiona was. She grimaces but agrees with her brother.

Vivian claps her hands together. “See? Perfect, all is solved. Well, we should be going. Fiona and Phillip will be staying with me until the circus resumes. We await your summons.” She stands up and gestures for her grandchildren to follow her. In a flurry of motion, she kisses both of my grandpas on the cheek—overly familiar if you ask me—before she departs in a wash of overpowering perfume, followed by the redheaded twins.

“Spend some time working with the dinosaurs while you wait. Let’s not have any other kinks in the show,” William shouts after them, the unspoken warning obvious.

The three of us remain quiet, giving them enough time to leave the house as we remain in our seats.

“I do not like that woman,” I declare after enough time has passed. Eric flops back, but William gets up and goes around checking all of the items she fondled during her time here.

“Neither do we. She is nothing like her sister. I promise your grandma was loving and kind and gentle, but she had a spine of steel if she needed it. She would not let Vivian bulldoze her,” Eric says as we watch William lift each and every object and run his hands over them.

“What are you doing?” I ask him, and he grunts.

“I wouldn’t put it past her to bug our house. The woman is after something. I’m not sure if she wants the circus or evidence that you are not a suitable replacement or what, but I don’t trust her.”

“But the circus is a private cooperation, so the Skarrian council has no say in it.” Eric sounds weary as William sets down the last item she’d been holding and swings back to face us.

“No, it doesn’t, but the galaxy council does. They could revoke our ambassador privileges, and we could be Skarrian bound, which would make things a little difficult.”

I think about the orb. It would be a lot easier to find if it was only on one planet.

“But she has no sway over the Galactic Council,” Eric argues, and William sits back down with us, waving a hand. A hidden door in the wall opens up, revealing a fridge. Two bottles of beer and one of Skarrian water float out and land in our respective hands. I screw up my nose at the water, but I guess that’s the sacrifice I make for my kiddos, though alcohol after that visit would be welcome.

“No, but the Skarrian Galactic Council position is coming up for reelection. I have it from a good source that she is running.”

“But she’s an awful woman. Surely nobody would vote for her.”

“Lila, just like on Earth, Skarr has its corruption, and Vivian is a wealthy, influential woman. I’m sure she would make some waves for us, especially now that we spurned her advances once more.”

“That wasn’t the first time she’s tried to get you to throw a leg over?” I ask.

William grimaces, and Eric pales slightly, shaking his head.

“No, she has been pursuing John, Will, and me since Lili went missing.”

“And even more seriously once her own bond group was killed in the accident.”

My mouth drops open in shock. “She was pursuing you when her bond group was still alive?” I ask, not believing what I’m hearing.

“Oh yes, what are three more mates, especially three who are never around? We’re not stupid. We know it was for the prestige of being bonded to us, but she fails to remember that without attraction marks, there is no chance of bonding.”

“Not to mention Liliana still has our hearts and souls.” Will’s words are gruff, but I can hear the emotion in them.

“Now, enough about us and that dreadful woman. Tell us about your visit to Fluxx.” Eric does a good job of changing the subject, and I am more than happy to follow where he leads me.


“Saxon, can you pass me that tool there?” I point to the one I need, and in a flash of movement, it’s in my hand. “Oh, thanks.” I blink, still startled at the speed which the man can move. He chuckles before retreating back to the rocking chair he was putting together for Lila.

“What are you both doing?” A voice from the doorway draws my attention. Xavier is leaning on the frame, watching us, and standing next to him is a beaming Caspian who’s holding a few bags.

“You’re back! Where’s Lila? How did it go?” I ask him, peering around and trying to catch a glimpse of my pretty fiancée. Xavier grimaces and pushes off the frame before stalking into the room, while Caspian comes over, places the bags to one side, and looks around the room.

“This looks amazing. Lila is going to love it,” he says as he takes in the ocean mural the grandpas ordered for the nursery. The people came yesterday and installed it.

“Where is she?” I ask again, because neither of them answered.
