Page 33 of Mama

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I don’t know how you can forgive me. I can’t forgive Nikos,Isay, shaking my head, and he sighs patiently.

Well, in his defense, you changing into mermaid form probably sent him into the mermaid version of a heat. You said his voice was hypnotic and compelling. He couldn’t help himself any more than you could. Maybe you should cut him some slack.

My mouth drops open in surprise at hearing him defend the slimy sardine. Really?I ask, and he shrugs.

How is it any different from what I did to you?

I think about it for a moment.I guess you’re not wrong, but he put the babies in danger, I argue, and he hugs me to him.

I think you’re just trying to find a reason to hate him. Your kraken never would have left them despite the form change. She wouldn’t have allowed it if she was worried. No, she must have known the water dragon was there the whole time. Have you asked her about it?

I have, but she’s stubbornly silent.

Maybe just be a little kinder when you see him next. You obviously enjoyed yourself.He smirks, and I feel my nipples harden as I think about what the merman did to me.

Yeah, okay, maybe a little, and you’re right, I will apologize when I see him next.

I swim over to check on our babies and notice a crack in one of the eggs.Cas, look,I call to my mate, and he swims over, all thoughts of mermen, water dragons, and whathefucorcadiles gone.

It’s time. Be ready for them, he says, excitement lacing his words.

The egg casing splits more and more as the little kraken baby furiously pushes from the inside. Suddenly, a tiny tentacle pops out, followed shortly by another one. These two tiny tentacles push on either side of the crack, widening it until a tiny purple kraken baby squeezes itself through the hole and launches itself at Cas. Just like a scene fromAlien, it wraps itself around Caspian’s face. I can hear Cas’s muffled laughter as he pries the miniature version of our shifted form off of him. When he pulls it away, he has marks across his face from where the baby suckers latched on and kissed him.

He beams as he holds the now calm baby in his arms.It’s a girl. You will be Cordelia, he whispers to her reverently before looking up at me, his eyes full of emotion and love, and I smile.

He holds out his hands for me to take her, but before I can, I notice movement in the next egg. This one is fast and furious, and it’s not long before tiny blue tentacles are widening the gap in the shell and pushing themselves free. This one floats on the spot for a moment, its eyes looking around the cave while its tiny little tentacles swim furiously to keep itself aloft. Their eyes zero in on me, and in a flash, I have a bundle of baby kraken in my arms. I look down at my baby, and my heart fucking melts. They are so freaking adorable. Their mind reaches out, and I understand that this is our son.

Our son,I tell Cas, and he and Cordelia swim closer. Cas reaches out to stroke his tiny tentacles, and I do the same, cooing at Cordelia.What did you and the guys come up with for a name?I know that it probably seems weird that I don’t know, but I asked them to keep the last two names a secret since I wanted to be surprised.

He beams at me.The guys and I did a search of Earth nautical names, and we decided on Jack for the boy.

Jack? That’s not very nautical,I reply, confused.

Yes it is! He’s named after one of the greatest pirate captains who ever lived. Captain Jack Sparrow!

Oh, for fuck’s sake! That’s what I get for letting my alien mates surprise me. Luckily I actually like the name.Jack it is.I tickle the little boy’s tentacles, and he squirms in my arms as Cas swims over to the last egg.

He taps on the side.Come on, little one. It’s time for our family to be complete. We’re waiting for you.The egg remains still, and he looks at me with concern.

Give the girl a chance. I wouldn’t want to leave my safe, cozy living space either.I run a tentacle over the egg, and I feel a small crack, so I try to wedge the tip in. Maybe this baby needs a hand. I wiggle it back and forth until the gap grows, then I begin to pull back my tentacle so I can peer in, but a tiny little one wraps around mine. My daughter holds my tentacle, and I can feel her nerves. Without letting go, I use another one of mine to chip away at the crack until it’s wide enough for her to swim out. Slowly pulling back the one she’s holding, I encourage our last baby to leave the safety of her egg. She cautiously pokes the rest of her body out and darts toward me, pushing her brother to the side and snuggling down in my arms. Her body is a mottled combination of mine and Caspian’s coloring, and she’s fucking adorable.

And what is her name?I ask my mate, bracing myself for their choice.

She will be Calypso, goddess of the sea, he tells me proudly, swimming close and gathering us all up with his tentacles for a family hug. I don’t mention that it’s also from the pirate movie, because I love it.

The feeling of love and satisfaction that rushes over me is overwhelming. Here we are, a complete family. Now all we need to do is return to the shore and introduce them to the rest of our family.

* * *

Cas and I spend the next couple of hours watching our babies get the hang of swimming. Jack and Cordelia pick it up quickly. Calypso is a little less enthusiastic, but soon enough, and with encouragement from her siblings, she gets the hang of it. We decide to make the trip back to the house, but because of the threat of the whathefucorcadiles, we don’t let them swim back on their own.

With Cordelia and Jack wrapped in Cas’s arms, and Calypso in mine, we make the trek back to the shore. It’s fast and furious, and Cally tucks herself even deeper into my body. The water rushing over us must hurt her little form.

Finally, the water gets shallow enough for me to change forms and walk out of the ocean. Cally takes her first breath of fresh air and pokes her head up to look around. Behind me, Cas is struggling to contain an excited Jack and Cordy, who seem to be trying to escape his arms. It looks like he’s wrestling an armful of eels. I giggle, but the cold air suddenly registers on my skin, and I shiver.

“Fuck, it’s freezing,” I remark to my mate.

“Language, Lila,” he scolds.
