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“He’s not much of a man if he keeps you waiting. Why don’t you come hang out with me and my friends?” His light eyes slithered over my face, dipping to my chest. “We’ll be gentlemen, I promise.”

“I highly doubt that considering you still haven’t walked away, even though I’ve politely turned you down.”

His brows dipped. “Just making conversation.”

“No, you’re bothering me.”

He sank yellowed teeth into his lower lip. “The things I could do to that feisty mouth—”

“If you finish that disgusting statement, I’ll hit you so hard in the nuts that you’ll be shitting them out. Or….” I slipped my clammy hand into my purse, pulling the only weapon I ever carried free. A gentle press to the side popped the razor-sharp blade free. Hand on the tabletop, I angled the tip toward his crotch. “I can just impale them with this and serve them to you like appetizer meatballs since we both know they wouldn’t be big enough to be considered a main course.”

His face flushed red, and a thick vein along his neck bulged as his friends’ howling laughter filled the diner. He snarled and leaned closer, then suddenly straightened.

“There a problem here?” Trap’s clipped tone had my shoulders falling from my ears.

“I think we’re good, right?” I asked, arching a brow at the vibrating idiot. Funny that walking into a new restaurant made me flustered, but when confronted with an asshole who wouldn’t take no for an answer, I didn’t even blink at pushing back.

Assholes were the same no matter where you lived, so I was prepared for this battle after having had many in the past.

Not sure what that meant for the male gender.

“No, pig,” the man sneered. With a final cutting look at me, he stormed back to the booth where his friends were already giving him hell.

Trap followed him with a hard stare. The muscle along his jaw popped as if he were grinding his teeth. As he passed, I grabbed on to his hand in a gentle urging for him to let it go. I’d handled it. There was no need to cause any more of a scene.

Reluctantly, Trap shifted his intense focus from the idiot down to me, his glare instantly softening when I smiled.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked while trying not to stumble over my words. Because damn, the man looked too fucking good in that police uniform. The way the shirt hugged his strong, lean muscles and the pants accentuated his ass made my mouth water every time I saw him before he inevitably ran off to change into his other uniform.


I was not proud of what I had to do every night to get myself ready to see both men in those. Even after taking the edge off with my hand, I was constantly turned on when either Shade or Trap was around. Ten days had passed since the fireside chat, and I was ready to beg them to touch me.

“Shade had some paperwork to take care of and asked me to stop by so you weren’t waiting alone.”Be still my heart. That man. So considerate.“You sure you’re okay? What did he say to you to warrant a switchblade pointed at his balls?”

Remembering I still had the knife out, I pushed the button on the side, retracting the blade, and shoved it into my purse, storing it in the same inside pocket I always did so I knew where to find it.

Knowing repeating the asshole’s words would only encourage Trap to violence, I deflected the conversation. “A few years back, I was mugged on my way home from work.” Trap moved around the table and lowered to the opposite bench. With a grunt, he pushed the table closer to me, giving his bulky frame from the Kevlar vest more room. “After that, I wanted something to protect myself. I didn’t care about the purse or money, I was just scared for myself, my safety. Honestly, I think it would’ve ended up a lot worse if a group of women hadn’t walked by the alley he forced me down. Their loud voices must have freaked him out, and he just took off.”

“That must have been terrifying.” He slid his hand across the table and grabbed mine. “What did the cops say?” I shot him an incredulous look as I wound our fingers together. “What?”

“We’re talking about NYC. I wasn’t hurt, just freaked out. I didn’t call the cops, especially after….” I didn’t really want to bring up how big of a weak douche I was married to.

“What?” Trap practically growled. “Tell me.”

“You’re bossy,” I sassed.

The rising anger vanished, and a wicked grin slowly pulled at his lips. “I’m nothing compared to Shade. But you’ll see.”

“What?” I croaked. There was no missing the heat flaring behind his eyes and in his sultry tone.

“What?” he responded smugly while trailing the tip of a single finger along my palm. “And why didn’t you call the police?”

My shoulders rose and fell. “When I told my husband what happened, he didn’t think it was that big of a deal. So I figured it wasn’t, that I was making something out of nothing.”

“Nothing,” Trap deadpanned, the heat from seconds ago gone. “You could’ve been hurt. Hell, you were afraid enough to buy a fucking switchblade. He should’ve been at the station himself demanding someone look into the incident. If you were mine, I would’ve scoured the streets for the perp myself to deal out my own form of justice.”

Heart in my throat, I could only manage a slow nod. There was no way to speak after that.
