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“Thank you both so much.”

With a wave, they left, Grayson’s hand dipping into Anne’s back pocket as they walked toward Trap and Shade’s front door.

“So it’s settled,” Trap started. “Shade will come too. Wednesday, after we drop off Grace at school, we’ll meet up with Max. The ass still can’t tell us where we’re going until we meet. Not sure if that’s because he doesn’t know himself or he doesn’t want to risk the bastard’s location leaking somehow.”

I nodded slowly as he spoke, unease churning in my stomach. Would Gracie be okay? Would we? What did Barrett have to say? Would all this be worth it—

“Come here.”

I glanced up from where my unfocused stare had fallen to the table, finding Shade’s dark eyes on me. He set his beer down on the table and patted his thigh, an invitation I had zero intention of turning down. A soft, content sigh escaped as I settled on his lap, his radiating body heat calming my racing thoughts. Two large palms patted my thighs before sweeping inward and offering a gentle squeeze.

“Everything will be okay,” he said in my ear.

I relaxed back against his chest, resting my head against his shoulder. With Grace at home, already tucked in bed and asleep, I let myself sink into his protective embrace knowing she wouldn’t walk in on me in his lap.

“Besides being angry and disgusted when I first found everything out, do you want to know the most prominent feeling I had?” Shade released one thigh, leaning slightly forward to grab his beer. He handed me the bottle, and I brought the smooth glass to my lips, tipping it back. After a quick drink, I passed the bottle back to him. He swiped his thumb across my wet lips then finished the rest of the liquid himself. “Humiliation. When I saw the dates, realized how long it had been going on—”

“That’s normal, sweetheart. Anytime we’re taken advantage of, that’s a normal reaction, along with the anger and everything else. What you felt, what you might feel still, is normal.”


None of this felt normal.

How many women in this world could say they’d ever been in my situation? The shit show I’d left or the amazing one I found myself in now.

With every swipe of Shade’s thumbs brushing my inner thighs, my stomach flipped, now fluttering with smoldering desire, the unease from seconds ago forgotten. Heat built beneath my skin, making the sweatshirt stifling, the soft material now abrasive against my sensitive skin.

“It’s getting late.” A puff of air whispered across my ear, making me shiver. “You ready for bed?” Shade asked, lips brushing my neck. “I can walk you home.”

The building heat and need became too much to sit still. I squirmed in his lap, hoping to calm the butterflies in my lower belly and ease the throbbing pulse between my thighs. But Shade’s responding grunt, his hands tightening on my thighs, only made it worse.

His warm breath caressed my skin. I rolled my head against his shoulder, giving him better access. His chuckle vibrated against my spine. Not expecting his teeth to sink into my earlobe, I startled, shifting away before scooting closer for more.

“I don’t think she’s ready to sleep just yet,” Trap said, his hooded hazel eyes locked on where Shade’s hands squeezed my inner thighs. “Tell us what you want, sweetheart. Shade can walk you home and cuddle you in bed all night, or….” He trailed off, not finishing the thought.

He didn’t need to.

I knew exactly what he was suggesting.

My pulse ticked higher, heart threatening to pound out of my chest while my core pulsed, desperate to be filled. Except….

I swallowed hard, terrified my next words would end this when I desperately needed release.

“I’m not ready for bed, but I’m not… I’m not ready for both of you. At the same time,” I whispered, my chin dipping to my chest, not wanting to see Trap’s disappointment.

“Hey.” Shade released a thigh to grab my face in a tight grip. He turned it until our noses brushed. “That’s okay, baby. We’re not pressuring you. When you’re ready, you’re ready. Simple as that.”

“But we need to know what that means.” Standing, Trap set his beer on the table and stalked closer until he stood between mine and Shade’s spread legs, then dropped to his knees. One by one, he peeled apart my wringing fingers and held them in a firm grip. “Does that mean you’re not ready for us both in the same room or both of us taking you at once?”

I searched his eyes slowly, relaxing when I found no frustration or annoyance there.

“Both of you at once.” I winced.

“Baby, that’s okay,” Shade said in my ear. “That’s something that will take time to work toward. We need your trust and you need ours before we attempt that. And if we ever do, it won’t only be the three of us. Most of the time it’ll be one-on-one. Just because it’s the three of us in this relationship doesn’t mean we canonlybe together when we’re all three together.”

I swallowed and nodded, my shoulders slowly relaxing.

But all this talk only upped my need. As much as I was terrified of taking them both at once, the thought of it was hot as hell.
