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“Yeah,” I rasped. “Yeah, I do. Not sure how, but they bring out the best in me and have made this uncertain time in my life bearable.”

So much so that I never wanted it to end.

But I left that part out, considering Gracie was listening. I forced a smile, mimicking Anne’s as we slowly made our way across the living room, where Gracie was curled up on the couch with a blanket wrapped tightly around her.

“I’ll make some hot chocolate when I’m done helping your mom, okay?” Anne paused by the island. “Misery is back in the guest bathroom if you want to grab him.”

Before the words were out of Anne’s mouth, Gracie was up off the couch and racing past us, appearing a few seconds later with a purring ball of black fur cradled in her arms.

Every step toward the master bathroom resounded in my ears, the aches and pain from the attack growing. Breath hissed through my teeth as Anne slowly lowered me to a small chair she’d pulled out from beneath the vanity. Grabbing her phone, she pressed a number, then tossed the device to the counter.

“I do not want to hear about any more of your sexcapades with that hottie of yours,” a female voice said over the speaker. “I’m working, and—”

Anne winced, shooting an apologetic look my way. “Not that this time. We need you here at the house, Caradee. There’s been an incident—”

“Are you okay?” Her voice was deadly serious now. “Is Gray okay?”

“Yes, we’re fine. It’s—”

“Those two numbnuts, isn’t it? I swear those two—well, more Trap—get into more shit—”

“For fuck’s sake, it’s not them either. It’s their….” Anne raised a brow at me. “Girlfriend?”

Silence, then “What happened to Georgia?”

I sucked in a breath and felt my brows hit my hairline.How in the hell does she know my name?The guys mentioned her in passing, but I’d yet to meet their doctor friend.

Anne sighed. “It’s a long story, but I need you to come over to my place and give her a once-over. She’s banged up from the attack, has some cuts on her foot, scrapes on her hands, and a swollen cheek.”

“Oh fuck. And I bet Gray is out digging the hole to help the two overprotective jackasses hide the body of the dumbass who tried to mess with her.”

“Pretty accurate,” Anne grumbled as she twisted the faucet on the tub. “She won’t quit shaking. Can’t tell if it’s shock or cold. I’m getting her in a hot bath. Cool?”

“Yeah, just keep the injured foot out of the water until I can look at it, if you can. Any deep lacerations, keep those dry too. I’m on my way and will be there soon.”

The line went dead, amplifying the rush of water as it filled the massive tub, steam billowing in thick clouds.

“Don’t be surprised that they’ve talked to her about you,” Anne offered, not turning from where she ran her fingers through the water, testing the temperature. “Trap is a talker, you know that, and he’s closest to Caradee out of all of us. Other than Shade, that is.” She paused. “And I’ll be honest, it’s nice seeing them like this.”

“Like what?” I got out around my chattering teeth.

“Like they finally have something—or someone, rather—to live for again. The last month, with you in their lives, has changed them for the better.”

I held a tense breath as Anne rose and turned, face unreadable as she eyed me up and down. “Do you want help getting out of your clothes, or…?”

“I’ll manage. You’ve already done so much.” Her lips parted, but I kept going, not letting her get a word in. “Can you go check on Gracie? I think she’s super confused about what happened earlier, and scared.”

“Of course. Just call out if you need help getting into the tub. When Caradee gets here, I’ll send her straight back. And, Georgia?” I shifted my focus from the beckoning warm water to where she stood at the door. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

The moment the door closed behind her, I slumped forward, almost toppling to my already-battered knees as exhaustion engulfed me. Halfway through the slow process of removing my ripped and stained clothes, I regretted my decision to decline Anne’s offer to help. Every part of my body ached and protested as I tugged the material, tossing the ruined clothes into the corner, never wanting to see them again.

A hiss whispered through my clenched teeth at the sting of a thousand needles poking at my skin as I slowly lowered myself into the warm water, which ended with me plopping down the last few inches from balancing on the good foot to keep the other out of the water like the doctor ordered.

My skin tightened and burned as the hot water’s warmth soaked into my chilled body, dethawing my nearly frozen limbs. After a few minutes, my muscles relaxed, no longer trembling so hard that water sloshed around the edge. With my injured foot propped on the tub’s edge, I leaned back, not caring about getting my curly hair wet, only wanting to sink deeper into the water’s heat.

The clock on the vanity ticked away the seconds as I soaked, the memories of what happened, fear of what could’ve happened if we hadn’t been saved, bombarding me. Squeezing my eyes shut, I forced my mind to think about happy times, to focus on anything other than that asshole and his vile intentions.

Memories of last night weaved their way through my panicked and fear-laced thoughts.
