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No, she wouldn’t. In fact, Breenah didn’t think anyone in the Compound would be as susceptible as she herself was. It had to do with her body—her generous curves and full breasts and her pussy slit which got wet while she was pretty sure everyone else’s was bone dry.

Somehow the giant was able to use her differences against her—to force her body to react by just talking. How else could she explain the reckless thing she’d done by allowing him to take her nipples in his hot, wet mouth and suck until she trembled all over and her pussy felt so hot and wet she thought she might explode…

You’re doing it again, the scolding voice whispered. Thinking of how good it felt to let him suck you instead of concentrating on the fact that he’s dangerous. You need to get out of guard duty while you still can! Before you do something even worse.

Like letting him lick her pussy slit and swirl that talented tongue of his around and around her tight little button which he’d called a “clit.”

Just the thought of that made Breenah feel hot and trembly all over. But now she had finally reached the large archway that led into the Dining Hall, so she did her best to push the forbidden thoughts to the back of her mind. She would have to find Mistress Work-worthy and ask if she could be taken off guard duty—that was all there was to it.

The Dining Hall was a huge white space with long rows of metal tables and benches set up inside it. On the far wall was the food line. Breenah went to the end of the line and took a battered metal tray. She pushed it down the silver railing that ran the length of the long window which dominated the wall.

On the other side of the window stood older females of low status, serving the food. Most of them would never make the higher echelons and become Superiors. But Breenah didn’t care about that—the food servers were nice, especially old Moonah.

Speaking of the older woman, she was standing near the middle of the food servers and she gave Breenah a concerned look as she placed a scoop of food on her tray.

“Hey there, Breenah sweetie,” she said. “I heard they put you on guard duty with that giant male they found out there in the North field. Are you doing all right? Males are dangerous, you know.”

Breenah wondered what the older woman would think if she knew exactly how dangerous Rax really was—and what, exactly, Breenah had been doing while she was “guarding” him.

“Er, he’s not so scary,” she said awkwardly. “And he’s cuffed to the Stasis Wheel so there’s no way he can get loose.”

“Well, just mind that you’re careful,” Moonah lectured, a worried frown creasing her forehead. “I don’t like the idea of you being all alone with that giant—though of course I’ve got no say in the matter since I’m not on the Council of Superiors.”

“Thank you, Moonah, but I’ll be fine.” Breenah tried to give her a reassuring smile as she moved down the line. Moonah’s concern for her was touching, but it also made Breenah feel guilty. What would the older woman think if she knew what Breenah had been getting up to with Rax? She would doubtless be shamed and scandalized—a thought which had guilt gnawing in the pit of Breenah’s stomach.

She pushed the tray down the line, moving it forward to accept more scoops of food the servers offered her. Tonight it looked like they were having a hot protein paste patty and several different kinds of fresh vegetables, which they grew in their own green house.

Breenah liked the food in the Compound, but she never felt like there was enough of it—she was almost always still hungry after she finished eating. Her full, curvy body seemed to need more fuel than all the skinny females around her. But it couldn’t be helped—so she took what was offered and ate it gratefully.

Then she saw something which made her stomach growl—there were brown, crusty grain rolls heaped in a basket at the end of the food line. Breenah took three of these even though she knew it was frowned upon to take more than one. But somewhere in the back of her head she thought that maybe the giant might like one. Even though she knew she ought to be trying to get out of guard duty, she was already considering if she ought to feed him or not.

She took several of the concentrated juice packs too, for the same reason. She was just going to find a table to sit at when a dry, authoritative voice stopped her.

“My, my, Breenah,” Mistress Work-worthy said in her ear. “You must be hungry tonight. Are those three rolls I see on your tray? And why do you need two juice packs?”
