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Breenah had been moping around the room, not saying a word since she’d come back from her Last Meal, looking like she’d lost her last friend. Rax wanted desperately to start talking her into getting the two of them out of here—he had a sense that she didn’t belong in this Compound any more than he did—but he knew that this kind of thing couldn’t be rushed. So he pushed his own concern about a possible moon rise in the future to the back of his mind and concentrated on getting the little female talking.

“Oh, um…” She cleared her throat and looked up at him. “I’m fine, Rax. You don’t need to worry about me.”

“But I am worried, sweetheart,” he told her gently. “You look pretty upset. Did you get into trouble during Last Meal? Were some of the other females mean to you?”

He didn’t know for certain that was what had happened, but it seemed like a reasonable guess—especially considering how touchy she was about being “different” from the others who lived here.

He must have guessed right, because her face suddenly scrunched up—the way it does when you’re trying not to cry. But the next moment, she lifted her chin and glared at him defiantly.

“I told you—I’m fine. I just have to get my cot in here so I can spend the night guarding you.”

She left for a moment and returned dragging a large, puffy, oblong thing that looked like some kind of inflatable mattress to Rax. He watched with interest as she pressed a button on its side and it began to expand. After a moment, it reached full inflation and revealed itself to be a type of sleeping platform which came up to her waist. She busied herself unfolding and spreading some blankets and plumping up a kind of head bolster at one end. Then she sat herself down on the cot and stared up at Rax.

“Tell me about males,” she said abruptly “Is it true they can somehow put a baby into a female’s body?”

For a moment Rax was taken aback. He’d been thinking that she was upset about something that had happened during her Last Meal—or maybe regretting that she’d let him suck her nipples despite the fact that she’d obviously enjoyed it. But apparently all this time she’d been wondering about what the humans aboard the Kindred Mother Ship called “the facts of life.”

“Well, yes,” he said slowly. “A male can plant his seed in a female’s body—in her womb—which will grow into a baby.”

“And do they always do it against the female’s wishes?” she demanded.

“No, of course not, sweetheart,” Rax said earnestly. “It’s usually something both of them want—the male wants to fill the female with his shaft and his seed and she wants to let him. Sometimes the seed takes root and then a baby grows in her womb. We call that ‘getting pregnant,’” he added, thinking she might not know what he was talking about.

“Really?” Breenah’s eyes were wide. “And she…she doesn’t mind getting, er…pregnant?” She spoke as though the words were in a language she wasn’t quite sure of.

Rax shrugged, as well as he was able with his hands manacled above his head.

“It’s a natural process—the Goddess created the female body to bring life into the universe. There’s nothing more beautiful than a pregnant female—her body filled with life from the seed her male planted in her.”

He spoke rather wistfully—he knew he would never have a mate he could bond with and breed himself. As one of the Untameable, that future was forever closed to him.

Her next question seemed to strike him right where he lived.

“Have you ever gotten a female pregnant?” she demanded.

Rax shook his head.

“I can’t,” he said, frowning. “I can’t bond a female to me because I’m one of the Untameable.”

“The what?” She frowned.

“Look—come a little closer. Do you see these marks on my belly, just under the waistband of my trousers?” he asked. “They prove I can’t bond a female to me—which means I also can’t get a female pregnant.”

Breenah came up to him and peered at his flat stomach, which was visible through the ragged remains of his uniform shirt which must have shredded during his crash.

“I can almost see.” She ran her soft little fingers over his muscular abdomen. “I think I could see better without your trousers in the way,” she murmured.

“Oh, well—” Rax began but before he could say another word, she was unfastening the magno-tabs that held his tight black trousers closed and opening them so she could see his markings better.

There they were—halfway between his belly button and the root of his shaft—a series of raised, red ridges that made the ancient symbol which indicated a Wulven’s inner Beast was Untameable. But Breenah only looked at them for a moment—what really seemed to hold her attention was his shaft.
