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“Oh!” Breenah gasped, looking down at herself in dismay.

“Told you,” Rax murmured. “Sorry about that, sweetheart—can’t help myself. Kindred produce a lot of cum.”

“I can see that. So this is what you meant by saying you’d give me a creamy pussy.”

“It’s creamy, all right—filled with my cum. It’s fucking dripping out of you,” Rax pointed out.

“Yes, it is,” Breenah agreed. She sighed. “I supposed I should clean up.”

Carefully, she pulled up his trousers and re-fastened them—with some difficulty, since he was still hard. Then she cautiously descended the slippery step-up and went to find something to clean up with.

Luckily, there was a wet-dry suck-up unit stored in one corner of the cabinets. Breenah used it to clean up all the white cream that had dripped on the step-up and the floor. Then she used the corner of her blanket to clean her thighs and blot her undercoverings mostly dry. But it seemed that no matter how she tried to clean herself up, her pussy slit was still oozing with the giant’s white cum. A creamy pussy indeed!

I’ll have to try and wash it out when I get my morning shower, she told herself. In the meantime, at least she had mostly cleaned up the mess they had made together. And now—

“Gods, Breenah! What the fuck?”

Rax’s hoarse exclamation broke her train of thought and she turned to see that he was staring up at the skylight with wide, horrified eyes.



“What? What is it?” Breenah followed his gaze but didn’t see anything but one of the moons—the Maiden, which was the smallest of Griesha Prime’s three natural satellites.

“It’s that—the moon!” He nodded at the skylight.

“That’s only the Maiden,” Breenah pointed out. “She’s the smallest of our three moons.”

“Goddess, Mother of All Life, have mercy on me!” Rax sounded almost as though he was praying. “Three moons?”

Breenah shrugged.

“Yes, why? Do you have more where you come from?”

“We don’t have any where I come from! I live aboard a huge spaceship just so I can avoid moons. Breenah, this is fucking dangerous! I’m a Wulven—I can’t be subjected to moonlight. I have a Beast inside me—an Untameable Beast!”

He sounded so upset that Breenah was starting to get worried.

“But it’s only the Maiden,” she said again. “And she’s alone in the sky tonight—it’s not like there’s a Lunar Convergence.” Which would be happening tomorrow night during the Equinox, she remembered with a sudden sense of uneasiness. “Anyway, what do you mean you have a ‘Beast’ inside you?” she demanded.

“I mean just what I said. I have an entity that lives inside me that’s agitated by moonlight.” Rax sounded like he was trying desperately to keep calm, though his voice was hoarse and ragged. “If it gets too agitated, it comes out. Seven Hells, it would be coming out right now if you hadn’t just taken pleasure with me and made me come! Even now I can feel it stirring within me—the only things that satiate its hunger are blood or sex.”

Breenah still didn’t fully understand him—or believe him, for that matter.

“So you’re saying you have an animal that lives inside you?” she asked, frowning. “What does he look like? And how would he get out?”

“He doesn’t so much come out as he takes over,” Rax seemed to be struggling to explain. “Takes over my body, I mean. When that happens I get a lot bigger and hairier and a hell of a lot meaner,” he added darkly. “Not to mention stronger. If I was in my Beast form, I’d rip right out of these little metal manacles you’ve got me locked down with, sweetheart.”

“That’s ridiculous.” Breenah tried to scoff, though it didn’t quite come out as convincingly as she would have liked. “Why, Mistress Work-worthy told me we used those same Magno-manacles to hold a Strenthian boar! There’s no way you could break out of them!”

“I couldn’t but my Beast could,” he said darkly. “He’d run rampant in a place like this—fucking and eating everything in his path.”

Breenah put a hand to her throat.

“But…but I thought you said that Kindred were different from other males. That you didn’t put females in sexual bondage or do things like that against their will!”

“The Kindred part of me would never hurt a female,” Rax said earnestly. “But the Wulven part—the Beast—is all hunger and appetite. I can’t control him—no one can. I’m not like a regular Wulven Kindred, where the right female can tame his Beast.”

“Tame his Beast?” Breenah frowned. “How?”

He shook his head impatiently.

“By submitting to the Beast sexually. But that wouldn’t work with my Beast—he might choose to fuck a female rather than kill her, but he wouldn’t form a permanent bond with her that would allow her to help control him. That’s what it means to be one of the Untameable,” he ended bleakly. “Never being able to bond a female to you, because no natural born female can tame your Beast.”
