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I can at least give him a drink, she told herself, holding the extra juice pouch she’d taken at Mid Meal close to her side. Surely that can’t hurt.

She didn’t want to admit, even to herself, that she longed to see the big Kindred again. Though she was still certain he’d been lying to her, she couldn’t forget the pleasure they’d shared. And besides, she needed a distraction to take her mind off the plan Mistress Heal-all and Mistress Work-worthy had outlined for her—the plan to completely remove her breasts and all of her sexual sensitivity.

Just the idea of that made Breenah shiver—the more she thought of it, the more she didn’t want any part of the horrible plan. But she wasn’t sure if she would be allowed to refuse it. Most likely, Mistress Work-worthy would simply force her to have the surgery and use the cream—whether she wanted to or not, Breenah thought as she pushed her way silently into the Guard Room and made certain the door was shut behind her. She—

“Hello, little girl,” a deep, grating voice interrupted her train of thought.

Rax was alone in the room with his head hanging down but now he lifted his face to look at her.

“Oh!” Breenah whispered in horror when she saw him. A single look at the giant was enough to let her know that he’d been tortured. There was dried blood on his face and one eye was swollen almost shut. There were marks on his broad chest as well, as though someone had been beating him and burning him. It was clearly the work of Mistress Pain-giver.

“Not as pretty as I was, am I?” Rax asked dryly, giving a low, cracked chuckle when he saw the horrified look on her face.

“Oh, Rax—what did she do to you?”

Forgetting she was angry with the big Kindred, Breenah ran to get the step-up and an aid kit. Quickly, she got out the wound heal cream and a soft, self-moisturizing healing cloth and then climbed up to see him.

“Thanks, little girl—just be careful, all right?” Rax winced as she wiped gently at his wounded face and eye with the cloth.

“What did Mistress Pain-giver do to you?” Breenah repeated.

“Mistress Pain-giver, is it? She’s well-named, all right,” he growled. “Pretty much she beat me and shocked the hell out of me with some kind of prod, trying to make me confess I was a spy from Griesha Beta.”

“I’m so sorry—I tried to tell them you were only here by mistake!” Breenah exclaimed as she began to dab the wound heal cream on his worst injuries.

“I said the same thing—she didn’t believe me. None of your Superiors did,” he said. He frowned. “Thought you didn’t believe me either.”

“I don’t—not about you having some kind of ‘Beast’ inside you,” Breenah said, frowning. “But I hate to see anyone abused. I…I know how bad it can be with Mistress Pain-giver,” she added hesitantly. “I got sent to her for punishment once, when I was younger.”

“Oh? Did she work you over like she did me?” He frowned.

Breenah shook her head.

“No—she didn’t make me bleed. But she used the prod you talked about—all the Superiors have one but she’s the only one who really uses it. She kept shocking me—my nipples. She likes to target the sensitive parts of your body,” she added. “It hurt so much I cried and begged for forgiveness.”

“Fucking sadist,” Rax growled. “I guess I’m lucky she didn’t shove the damn prod down my pants and fry my cock and balls. But how could anyone want to torture such sweet, ripe nipples?”

His one good eye was tracking Breenah’s movements and she realized her bare breasts were close to his face again.

“None of that now,” she said, rather breathlessly. “I…I shouldn’t have let you suck my nipples last night and I’m not going to do it again.”

“Just thought I could give you a little pleasure to pay for this doctoring you’re doing on me,” Rax rumbled.

“Here—put this in your mouth and suck if you want,” Breenah told him, holding the juice pouch to his lips.

He drank long and thirstily, emptying the pouch in several long swallows.

“Ahhh…thank you, sweetheart,” he said gratefully when he finished. “That hits the spot. I was really damn thirsty.”

“I think you’re looking better now.” Breenah looked at him critically. His cuts and abrasions looked like they were already starting to heal, she thought. Even his bad eye even looked a bit less swollen and he could clearly see out of it—at least a little.

This close, she could smell his scent again—warm and spicy and male. It made her wish she could let him suck her nipples again—it felt so good when he drew her tender tips into that hot mouth of his.

“Yes, you’re definitely looking better,” she repeated, trying to get the forbidden thoughts out of her mind.
