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“I…I could hide in the green house,” Breenah offered shakily. Goddess, she knew he was lying but the way he was talking was scaring her, despite her best efforts to remain unshaken. “There are plenty of plants and flowers in there that have strong smells,” she added.

Rax nodded.

“That might work. I can’t promise anything, though.”

Breenah frowned up at him.

“Are you sure you’re not just trying to scare me in order to get me to let you go?”

“Sweetheart…” Rax’s deep voice went suddenly gentle. “If the idea of losing both your breasts and your sex-drive doesn’t scare you enough to want to run away with me, then my Beast isn’t going to do it either.”

“Oh…” Breenah whispered. He was right, she realized—the idea of some Beast overtaking him and making him act savage and wild was frightening—but not nearly as frightening as the idea of losing her sexuality. “I…I need to think about this,” she said. “I should probably go.”

“Just do one thing for me before you leave,” Rax told her. “Or rather, let me do one thing for you.”

“What’s that?” Breenah asked, frowning.

“Let me scent mark you, sweetheart.” Rax looked at her earnestly.

“Scent mark me? What are you talking about?” she demanded.

“We Kindred have scent glands in and around our mouths,” Rax explained. “Let me rub against you and lick you before you go—so my scent is fresh on you. That way when my Beast comes out tonight during the Equinox, you’ll be protected from his blood-lust if he finds you, because you’ll smell like you belong to me.”

“But…you said that would make him want to…to breed me,” Breenah protested.

“Better he should want to breed you than eat you,” Rax said grimly. “Let me mark you, little girl—that way at least I know you’re safe—well, relatively safe—if he finds you.”

“Well…” Breenah hesitated. She still didn’t believe in his Beast, she told herself. But the temptation of having his hot mouth on her breasts and nipples again was too much to deny. “All right,” she said at last and went to get the step-up again.

She might as well have one more moment of pleasure before Mistress Work-worthy carried out her plan.



Rax was glad she was at least going to let him scent mark her. He still didn’t feel good about the idea of his Beast coming out in the middle of a Compound filled with women, though. As a Kindred, it went against everything in his nature to hurt a female, but his Beast had no such compunction. He would happily kill everyone in the whole Compound if he got angry enough—and coming out to find himself bound by the thick metal manacles would enrage him for sure.

The problem was, none of the other females here—other than Breenah—smelled like women. The Beast would see them as sexless adversaries—creatures deserving of death for locking him up. He would terrorize and savage every woman in the place.

It was a thought that turned Rax’s stomach. Despite the way they had tortured him, he didn’t want to kill the women of Breenah’s Compound. He wished like hell he could have convinced her to set him free and come away with him, but she seemed too hesitant to agree to an escape.

“All right.” Breenah’s soft voice interrupted his inner turmoil and he looked down to see that she had positioned the step ladder right in front of him again. “Do…do you want to mark my breasts?” she asked, nodding down at her warm, brown globes and dark, ripe nipples.

Rax’s mouth watered at the sight of those beautiful mounds, but he shook his head.

“Better I should mark your pussy, little girl,” he told her. “Putting my scent over yours will make you safer than just marking a more neutral part of you.”

“You…you want to mark my pussy slit?” She bit her lip, looking up at him uncertainly. “But I still have some of your cream in me.”

“That’s all right,” Rax reassured her. “I’ll mostly just be rubbing against your mound with my mouth and cheeks—I don’t have to mark inside you.” He let his voice drop to a low, interested growl. “Unless you want me to, that is.”

“Oh…okay.” Breenah gave him a look that was half nervous/half interested but he could smell her desire in the air. Rax made himself a bet that he’d be licking her out in no time. There was no doubt about it—the little female had an extremely high sex drive—a drive that had been ruthlessly repressed by the sexless environment she’d been raised in—which only made her hotter and more in need of pleasure.

“Come up here, little girl,” he growled. “Let me mark that soft little pussy.”

“All right—here I come.” Breenah climbed up the metal steps until she was at the right height. Then, almost shyly, she pulled down the stretchy silver underpants that were the bottom part of her uniform and presented her soft little pussy to him.
