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“That’s right, baby,” he growled softly. “And I want you to look at me while I do it. Look me in the eyes while I fill you with my cum—while I give you a creamy pussy slit and try to plant another baby in your belly.”

His hot, dirty words and the intense way he was looking at her brought on Breenah’s orgasm as much as the way he was stroking her clit. Pleasure washed over her in a tidal wave and as her inner walls spasmed around his thickness, she could feel the hot spurts of cream filling her womb.

“Oh, Rax!” she moaned as he held her gaze with his own. “Oh Goddess—I can feel you coming in me! Coming in me so deep!”

“Breeding you, baby,” he growled, thrusting just a little deeper. “Filling you up and giving you a creamy pussy.”

And then he took her mouth in a long, breathless kiss that made Breenah feel like she was dying and flying at the same time.

So good! she thought as the pleasure rushed over her in waves—not just one orgasm but many. Oh Goddess, he feels so good inside me and I can feel his Beast, too! He loves the way my pussy slit feels around him—both of them do!

“Yes, my Beast loves you as much as I do, little girl,” Rax murmured in her ear. Only he couldn’t be talking in her ear, Breenah realized—he was still kissing her! His voice had actually come from inside her head.

“Yes, it’s my mental voice you’re hearing,” Rax told her. “And I can hear yours too if you try to talk to me.”

“Like this?” Breenah sent tentatively.

“Yes, baby—just like that. We’re bonded now—do you feel it? We’ll never be apart again.”

And he crushed her to him in a hug and Breenah hugged him back, feeling completely surrounded and filled by her giant. Her heart overflowed with love for both Rax and his Beast and she could feel both of them sending that love back to her. The three of them were together now and she was never going back to the Compound. Instead, she would stay aboard the Kindred Mother Ship and have a family with Rax.

It would have seemed impossible only a week ago that her life could have changed so completely but Breenah was glad that it had.

She loved being…Tied to the Wulven.


“Yes, it’s official. Now we have two blue flowers.” Dr. Liv held out her palm, showing the two little flowers. One was a tiny bit bigger than the other, Breenah thought, but both of them were utterly perfect.

“Oh my!” Breenah looked down at her belly, which still looked the same. “Will…will I have room in there for two of them?” she asked.

Dr. Liv smiled encouragingly.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. We have extensive experience here aboard the Mother Ship with multiple births. Though I would say you might want to lay off on the, er, breeding for a little while—just until the window of opportunity for further pregnancies closes.”

“Got it,” Rax rumbled, nodding. He was sitting beside Breenah in Dr. Liv’s office at the Med Center, holding her hand. “Twins we can handle. Triplets might be a bit much—we’d be outnumbered!”

Liv laughed.

“Yes, I don’t recommend triplets for anyone but women mated to Twin Kindred. That way there are three parents to deal with the babies so nobody gets overwhelmed.”

“So there are women who have three babies inside them?” Breenah shook her head. “I’m sorry—this is all just so new to me. On Griesha Prime, all the babies are incubated in artificial wombs and decanted when they’re ready for birth.”

“Wait…what?” Rax gave her a startled look. “That’s how you reproduce on your planet?”

“Well…yes.” Breenah shrugged. “I thought you knew that.”

“No…I had no idea.” He looked stunned.

“That’s how I ended up so different from all the other women in my Compound,” Breenah told him. “The hormone mixture on my artificial womb was off and I got too many sex hormones or something. That was what Mistress Heal-all said, anyway.”

“So…you were born from an artificial womb too?” Rax asked, still looking stunned.

“Well…yes.” Breenah shrugged. “Why—does that bother you?”

“No, sweetheart—of course not.” He squeezed her hand. “But I think it might be the answer to our mystery.”

“What mystery?” Liv asked, frowning.

“The mystery of how Breenah was able to tame my Beast when I’m one of the Untameable,” Rax explained. “You see, the rule for all Untameable Wulven males—what I’ve heard all my life is—‘no natural born female can tame the Beast of an Untameable.”

“Oh—but Breenah isn’t ‘natural born’—that is, not born from a natural womb,” Liv explained, nodding at Breenah.

“It’s natural on my planet,” Breenah protested, but she didn’t really mind. She was glad that her differences—which had one made her feel so alone and apart—had allowed her to tame Rax’s Beast and form a bond with him.
