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“So you came here looking for a new source of females to put into sexual bondage?” Breenah exclaimed. “Why—that’s worse than being a spy!”

“Take it easy, sweetheart,” Rax soothed. “We don’t put our mates into ‘sexual bondage’ as you call it. We Kindred believe that males and females are equals.”

“What was all that talk about…about sucking a female’s nipples and tasting her, uh, her pussy then?” Breenah asked, using his term for her sex. “Isn’t all that part of sexual bondage?”

“It’s all part of sex or making love or breeding—whatever you want to call it,” Rax corrected her. “But no Kindred would ever force a female to do those things unless she wanted to.”

“Why would any female want such a thing?” Breenah asked, lifting her chin.

“You know why, sweetheart.” Rax gave her a level look. “For pleasure—because it feels good to let a male—your mate—suck your nipples and lick your pussy.”

“I…I don’t know any such thing. I’ve never met a male before you,” Breenah reminded him.

“Yeah, but don’t you sometimes touch yourself at night?” he countered. “Maybe play with your nipples or pet that sweet little pussy? And doesn’t it feel good when you do? Just imagine how much better it would feel if instead of your fingers, it was a hot, wet mouth wrapped around your tight little nipples or a tongue licking between your pussy lips to tease that ripe little clit of yours.”

“I…I would never do that! I don’t touch myself!” Breenah could feel her cheeks getting hot with a blush and she found she couldn’t meet the giant’s eyes as she told the lie.

“Sure you do,” Rax rumbled, sounding absolutely sure of it. “Or if you don’t, I bet you will tonight. I can smell your desire in the air, sweetheart—just talking about getting your nipples sucked and your pussy licked and tasted is turning you on.”

“Turning me on?” Breenah frowned. Here was another term she’d never heard before.

“Getting you sexually excited,” Rax explained. He frowned. “Look, I know you’re a society of all women, but surely you still have sex drives? Getting rid of your men didn’t get rid of your sexual desire, did it?”

Breenah didn’t know how to answer that. Certainly none of the women around her in the Compound ever exhibited any “sexual desire” or any desire to touch themselves. At least, not that she knew of. As far as she could tell, she was the only one who had any of those kinds of urges—though she was careful to hide them.

“So do you do all these things—this licking and sucking and tasting—with your own ‘mate’?” she asked, countering his question with a question of her own.

His face, which had been open and interested all this time, abruptly went dark.

“I have no mate,” he said flatly. “And I never will. I am one of the Untameable.”

“The what?” Breenah asked.

But before he could answer, the door to the Guard Room swung open and Meendy was standing there.



“Breenah,” Meendy said bossily. “Mistress Work-worthy sent me to tell you—” She stopped, her eyes narrowing as she took in Rax, who was also staring curiously at her. “Why does he have his blindfold off?” she demanded, frowning up at him.

“Oh, he…he shook it off,” Breenah said quickly. She held up the black scrap of fabric, which she’d been holding this whole time. “I…I was just about to put it back on him.”

“See that you do,” Meendy snapped. “And then come to Last Meal. After you eat, you’re to come back here and guard the prisoner all night. Mistress Work-worthy says the Council of Superiors will interrogate him in the morning. They have no time tonight since they’re getting ready for the Lunar Equinox tomorrow evening.”

“Am I supposed to sleep in here, then?” Breenah exclaimed. She hadn’t imagined her guard duties would extend into the night.

Meendy shrugged.

“I suppose so. Just bring your cot from the dormitory and set it up in front of the Stasis Wheel.”

Breenah didn’t know how she felt about spending the night in the giant’s presence. She had scarcely been with him an hour and already the things he said were making her have all kinds of feelings and filling her head with strangely enticing images and thoughts. Thoughts she was fairly certain were forbidden and yet she couldn’t seem to stop thinking them.

Still, one did not say no to the Council of Superiors—or to Mistress Work-worthy, for that matter. And her cot was very light—it wouldn’t be hard to move.

“All right,” she said, shrugging. “Go on to Last Meal—you don’t want to miss the best food. I’ll put the prisoner’s blindfold back on and then hurry to the Dining Hall.”

“Make sure you tie it tightly,” Meendy said, frowning. “I don’t like his eyes—they’re a strange color.”

Which was true enough—the women of the Compound all had black or brown eyes. Breenah had to admit she’d never seen eyes that pale, icy blue color before.
