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Then she realized she had somehow locked gazes with Rax and had to look away quickly before Meendy suspected something. But suspected what? That they’d been talking? That he’d said things that made her blush and caused her stomach to tremble and the inside of her pussy slit to get wet?

It didn’t bear thinking about. She waited until Meendy left—with a last, suspicious glance over her skinny shoulder—and then looked down at the blindfold again.

“Wish you wouldn’t put that back on me, sweetheart,” Rax growled. “I don’t like not being able to see. Makes me feel even more fucking helpless than I already am.” He rattled the Magno-manacles for emphasis.

Breenah frowned. She ought to put the blindfold on him whether he liked it or not—it wasn’t his choice, after all. But somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Though if she didn’t and Meendy or one of the Superiors found out, she would be in trouble.

Then she had an idea.

Taking the leeza knife from its sheath at her waist, she carefully cut a slit with the super-sharp blade right down the middle of the black fabric.

“There,” she said, re-sheathing the knife and showing the giant what she had done. “This way you’ll be able to see out but someone just coming in the door won’t realize it.”

Rax nodded, a look of admiration coming over his sharp features.

“Good idea, sweetheart. But I’m afraid you’re going to have to find something to stand on if you want to get that thing back on me. You’re just not tall enough to reach the top of my head otherwise.”

Breenah had to admit he was right. Going to the corner, she went to get the step-up and dragged it carefully across the room to the Stasis Wheel.

Her heart was pounding as she positioned it in front of the giant and adjusted its height. It was made of many light but strong metal steps folded into each other and could extend quite high into the air if one needed it to.

“Now you just remember I have a poisoned blade,” she said to Rax, as she put her foot on the first step. “And I won’t hesitate to cut your throat if you try anything.”

“Not gonna try anything, sweetheart,” he rumbled. His blue eyes went half-lidded. “Unless you want me to, that is.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Breenah said loftily, lifting her chin as she climbed up the metal steps. She didn’t stop until her head was higher than the giant’s—she wanted to be taller than him for once, she told herself.

However, this position put her bare breasts at the level of his face. Breenah pretended not to notice. She leaned forward and busied herself with tying the blindfold around his head again, making certain that the slit she’d cut was centered over his eyes so he could see.

In the process, her bare breasts brushed his face, but again, she pretended she didn’t notice, even though the short, stiff hairs on his square jaw—which were the same black as the skull-cut hair on his head—prickled against her tender slopes.

It seemed to take a long time to get the blindfold just right. Breenah told herself she wanted to be certain that Rax could see out but no one else could tell that he was able to look through the folds of black fabric. She shifted around and somehow her left nipple rubbed against the giant’s lips.

Yet again, Breenah pretended not to notice. Until Rax gave a low, groan, that was.

“If this is some kind of a test, sweetheart, then I’m about to fail it,” he rumbled. “I’ll give you one chance to move—after that, I can’t be responsible for what I do.”

“I…I can’t move yet,” Breenah protested breathlessly. “I haven’t gotten the blindfold just right yet.”

“Your choice then, sweetheart,” he growled. And then her tight bud was drawn into his hot mouth and he was sucking her nipple, long and hard.

“Oh!” Breenah moaned, unable to stop herself. Sparks of pleasure were shooting from the tip of her breast straight down to the spot between her legs—to her pussy, as Rax had called it. It felt so good—better than anything she’d ever felt before and she didn’t want it to end!

She didn’t want to acknowledge what was happening either, however. If she did that, it was the same as permitting it—or even asking for it. Whereas, as long as she ignored what the giant was doing, she could pretend nothing was going on. So she stood still, her hands still on the blindfold she was tying at the back of his head, and said nothing—though a few more breathless moans did escape her lips.

At last, Rax let her aching nipple slip from between his lips. He was nearly panting with some kind of emotion—some feeling that wasn’t familiar to Breenah, even though she felt it too, because she was also panting from the pleasure. Still, she wouldn’t acknowledge it.
