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He squeezed my ass cheeks, pulling them even farther apart. “God, it’s so hot seeing your ass stretched around my cock. I’m not going to go slow anymore. I’m going to fuck you hard and deep. I’m going to make you beg and fight, and then I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll think the world is ending.”

I tried to say please around my gag, but I only managed to whimper.

“You need this so bad, don’t you?”

I nodded and wiggled my ass, trying to get him to move.

He shifted his grip to my hips and rammed into me. I would have screamed if I hadn’t been gagged. Instead, the muffled noise I made sounded animalistic, savage.

Ghost didn’t slow down. He drove into me over and over until my head was swimming. I was desperate for friction against my cock, but he kept me far enough back from the bed that there was no chance I would brush against the mattress. I fought the belt around my wrists. I couldn’t get free, but even if I did, he’d pin my wrists with his hand. I kept forgetting just how fucking strong he was.

His rough deep strokes hurt, but they were also delicious, the pleasure extreme. He tilted my hips so that each stroke dragged over my prostate. I felt like lightning was shooting through me. I was going to lose my fucking mind. I tried to call his name, tried to protest, but all my attempts to speak sounded the same.

“I wish I could do this to you all night,” Ghost said. “Your ass is so fucking delicious. So tight, so hot. I love the way you feel against my skin.” He slid a hand under me and took hold of my cock. I jumped at the intensity of the sensation.

“You’re not going to last a minute, are you?”

I whined behind my gag. Even if I’d been able to take it out, I doubt I would’ve been able to speak. All I could do was feel. I was going to go up in flames. I was going to die, and I didn’t care. I needed this release. I craved it more than I can remember craving anything in my life. It was even more acute than the night before.

One final firm stroke from Ghost was all it took. I cried out, and even the muffled sound might have been loud enough to wake my brothers. Cum shot from my cock again and again.

Ghost growled, sounding like a hungry wolf. I loved that he was having to fight to keep quiet. Seconds later, I felt the hot rush of his release inside me. The idea that he was filling me full of his cum made my cock give one more jerk before my muscles gave way, and I slumped against the bed. If it hadn’t been for Ghost’s grip on my hips, I would have collapsed.

I barely remembered Ghost removing the belt around my wrists and taking out the gag. He lifted me, laid me on the bed, and pulled me against him, wrapping his warm, firm body around mine. After that, the world went dark.



I stirred, not sure how long I’d been sleeping with Rogue totally relaxed against me. It was stupid to have let myself fall asleep in his bed, but I couldn’t resist. He’d worn me out, and I’d needed to feel him against me.

I pushed away the thought that I needed to get out before he woke up. Was fighting my urge to run a bad sign? How could it be when being with Rogue felt so good, so right. I’d never imagined myself having a relationship. I thought I’d just keep doing what I did—righting wrongs, meting out punishment to those who deserved it, and hooking up whenever I felt the need. Now I wasn’t sure.

I eased myself from around Rogue and made my way to the bathroom. When I returned, he rolled onto his back. I enjoyed looking at him stretched out, so damn content, so comfortable. I knew it was a big deal that he was willing to be vulnerable around me.

He woke as I wiped his body down, cleaning him enough to keep him from being too sticky in the morning. He was far too content for me to rouse him and take him to the shower, but as I studied him, I was desperate to protect him. I couldn’t leave without asking him about the phone call he’d taken before his shower. He was going to be pissed that I’d been listening, but he already knew I’d been hiding in his room. Once he’d realized it was me, he’d given in rather easily. I didn’t have any delusions about how strong he was or how hard he could fight if he wanted to. We were well matched as opponents, but he did exactly what he wanted to and that meant giving in to me.
