Page 38 of I've Found Her

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“I do,” I answer quickly and firmly, I have no doubt in my mind.

“How does Bella make you feel Damien?”

I think for a moment and then smile. “She makes me feel like I have remembered everything.” I laugh. For years, whenever I left a room, I felt as if I had forgotten something. I never usually had but that’s how I felt. But now I never feel that way. Even if I have forgotten something, I never realise. As long as I have Bella in my life, I literally have all I need.

On the way to the restaurant, we get stuck in unusually heavy traffic.

“Oh no, we are going to be late Damien.”

“Don’t worry my Bella,” I give her hand a squeeze and place it on my leg. “I’ll ring through to the office and see if I can find out what is going on, then we can take an alternative route.”

“Hey boss, what can I do for you? Isn’t it your night off tonight?”

“Yeah, we are on our way to my celebrations, and we are stuck on Waterloo Street. Do you know where the accident is so we can do a detour?”

“It’s not an accident boss- we’ve just had a call through. There has been a shooting at a youth centre. A number of casualties unfortunately.”

“Not Christchurch youth centre?” Bella asks.

“Yeah, that’s the one.”

“Oh God Damien. That’s where Chloe works. She was working tonight.”

The End
