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Piper huffs. “The boys are terrors lately. I think they can sense my stress about all the legal drama, and they’re acting out more because of it.”

My nephews are six and eight years old. Piper and her husband are separated, and with custody and court battles, the boys haven’t had much stability in the past year.

“It’ll get better,” I tell her. “I promise. I was a mess when the divorce was ongoing, but I’m seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.” I look around at my new space, my new possibilities.

A long sigh sounds over the phone, then I hear Piper brace herself. “It’ll be fine. We have a court hearing about custody tomorrow, and my lawyer says it should be the last of it. I’ll be getting full custody of the boys, no problem. Once that happens, I’ll be way less stressed. Might be able to actually get a job.”

“Have you been applying to places in Dallas as well as Clare?”

She grunts. “Clare is a dead end. Even if I did get a job, no one wants to work with me. Honestly, it’s like getting divorced is a contagious disease.”

“Maybe it is.” I laugh. “Does that make me Patient Zero?”

My sister snorts. “I’ve applied for jobs all over the state. Getting a whole lot of nothing in response. I think I’m going to have to expand the search, might have to move out of state. Can’t do that until I officially have custody, though.”

I touch a piece of flaking paint on the wall and watch it flutter to the ground. “How do you feel about that?”

Piper hums. “Nervous. Good. Afraid the boys will resent me, even though they seemed excited about the idea of moving. They didn’t have any complaints about visiting their Auntie Georgia, that’s for sure.”

A smile touches my lips. “So you got my email.”

“That’s why I’m calling.” She takes a deep breath. “You’d really trust me with the interior design of your new business? You know I haven’t worked since before Nate was born.”

“Piper, please,” I huff. “Your house looks like the inside of a magazine.”

“Yeah, for about three seconds after I clean, until the boys destroy it again.”

I laugh. “Well, they won’t be destroying my gallery. What do you think? Will you help me design the place, get this project off the ground?”

“Mo-om!” a boy yells in the background. “Alec took my Lamborghini. He won’t share.”

Another tired huff. “The boys are obsessed with HotWheels,” she explains. “Alec! Share with your brother. You chose the Porsche at the store, remember?”

I pick another piece of paint off, then rub my dirty fingers on my leg to wipe off the dusty paint residue. “Do you need to go?”

“I’m fine,” she says, then lets out a wry laugh. “Famous last words.”

There’s a tense silence, and I know my sister is thinking about my offer. I let the seconds stretch, and Piper breaks it first.

“If this hearing goes the way my lawyer says it will, I’ll do your gallery,” she says. “The boys and I can stay at your place for the rest of the summer, and I’ll work on your project while I job search for something more permanent. Deal?”

A smile splits my face as my heart jumps. “Deal.”

“It’s settled, then. I’ll call you tomorrow night.”

After we hang up, I do a little jig. Rental space on the busiest street in Heart’s Cove—check. Designer—check. Contractor—check. All I need now is some artists who want their work displayed, and I’ll be in business.

Locking up my soon-to-be gallery, I let the sun warm my shoulders as I take a deep breath, smiling. I’m energized, exhilarated, driven.

I finally feel like myself again.


I turn to see a gorgeous man striding toward me, a serious expression on his face. He’s wearing a white button-down and charcoal-colored pants. His shoes are very black and very shiny. Combing long fingers through tousled black hair, he prowls toward me with measured, ground-eating strides. This is a man in control of his environment. “Desmond Thomas. My grandparents said you’d be here.”

“Oh!” I smile brightly, slightly thunderstruck at the sight of him.

Turns out, Maude and Arthur told the truth. This guy looks like he belongs on a red carpet beside Blake Harding, except he has hard edges that are a little scary and a lot sexy. Blake might be the dashing hero of his next movie, but Des could only be the villain.
