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She squeals when I throw her on her back and climb over her, pinning those long, graceful arms above her head. Heat flares between us.

“Careful, Sweet Peach.” My voice comes out as a low growl, and my body reacts to her nakedness beneath mine. “That mouth will get you in trouble.”

“Might get me out of it too.” Her eyes sparkle, and I stifle a groan. Her mouth is very, very wicked.

My heart thumps hard in my chest, and I’m not sure if it’s arousal or something more. Being in bed with her, feeling her skin against mine…it’s almost too much. Too significant. Too important.


For the first time in years—decades—I feel like I’m exactly where I should be. I let go of her hands and let her feel more of my weight.

“Hey.” Her palm touches my cheek. “Talk to me.”

I slide to my side, keeping my arm banded across her stomach. “Nothing to talk about.”

An arched brow is the only response I get.

I huff, pulling her close. “I guess I just never expected this. Us.”

She turns on her side to face me, her hand sliding from my wrist up to my shoulder. I love the way she touches me, softly caressing. I love the way her eyes warm when they meet mine, how the tension in her body dissolves when we touch.

I knew it when I first saw her in English class when I was fifteen years old, I know it now: Georgia is the woman for me.

But I can’t go telling her that. I know how easily she can push me aside.

“Do you miss Texas?” she asks, searching my eyes.

I grasp onto her question like a lifeline, letting my thumb make slow sweeps over her naked waist. “I miss some things about it,” I admit.

“I miss the sunrises.” She curls an arm under her head, her face taking on a wistful expression. “I remember the first morning I slept over at your house, when I snuck in through your window.” A sharp, quick grin. “I woke up with the sunrise, and I watched the light filter through that big oak tree in your backyard. It felt like I was watching the world being reborn.”

“I remember that morning.” We’d been “dating” officially for six months, and I’d kissed her for the first time three weeks prior. After that, we were as wild as two horny teens can be. Every time we got even a bit of privacy, we were at each other. That night, she surprised me by showing up at my window near midnight, tapping gently to be let in.

Seeing her was like having an angel set down on my windowsill offering me salvation. My father had been angry and mean that day. He’d smacked me around for something minor—I don’t remember what—and I was considering leaving his house for good. Either that or one of us would end up dead.

Then Georgia showed up at my window wearing denim shorts and a soft black tee, giving me a fierce, impish smile through my window. As soon as I opened it up for her, she tackled me onto my bed.

“It was the first time you let me see these,” I say, cupping her breast.

She laughs, settling on her back. “You looked so sad; I thought getting to second base might make you feel better.”

“Bullshit.” I prop myself over her, meeting her laughing gaze. “You were crazy for me. Couldn’t keep your hands off me.” I tweak her nipple and watch it stiffen, then rub my palm over it. “You practically begged me to touch you.”

“Some things never change, I suppose.”

I laugh. Georgia’s eyes sparkle.

“If I recall,” I say slowly, “our first time together was similar.”

A faint blush sweeps over her cheeks. “In your truck down by the river?” Her smile widens.

“I was just sittin’ there, minding my own business, and you jumped on top of me and took my virginity.”

She barks a laugh. “Please. We planned to have sex that day. We had to wait until both our parents were busy so we could take your truck long enough and they wouldn’t ask questions.”

“I’d planned a picnic with blankets and pillows, but you just straddled me right there in the driver’s seat.” It was one of the hottest sexual experiences I’ve ever had in my life, and it was my very first time with a woman. No wonder Georgia’s been under my skin ever since.

“Maybe you’ve always been a bit irresistible to me, Sebastian.”
