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Pleasure rocks through me, detonating without warning. I moan, fingers sinking into Des’s chest, unable to control the movement of my hips. Everything from my navel down is numb.

Then I’m flipped onto my back, and Des has my calves hooked onto his shoulders.

“I love watching you come,” he says, voice rough, “and feeling you milk my cock like that drives me fucking crazy.”

He plunges deeper inside me. I moan, hands scrabbling at the wrinkled blankets beneath me. When Des drops my legs and curls his body over mine, it’s almost too much. His head drops to mine, lips touching, and he destroys every last inch of the walls I’d erected to keep him out.

If I were honest with myself, I’d admit that this was more than sex. It’s too intense for that. There’s too much emotion buzzing between us, too many truths hovering just beneath the surface. But then another orgasm starts to wash over me, and honesty is too difficult a proposition.

While I fall into the ocean of pleasure Des delivers at my feet, he groans and stiffens above me. I hold onto him like he’s my only lifeline, legs around his hips, arms around his shoulders, and we both give in to our bodies’ demands.

When the only sound in the room is our staggered panting, I let my arms and legs fall out and do my best imitation of a starfish.

Des chuckles, his breaths tickling my ear. “Happy Thanksgiving, Mia,” he finally manages to say in a voice so full of gravel it’s a wonder I can make out the words. “I know what I’m grateful for.”

Giggling, I let him roll off me and move my arm and leg out of his way, watching as he removes the condom and disposes of it. We clean up, I go pee, and I’m surprised to find there’s no awkwardness in me when I pull on a nightie (yes, a light-blue silk one with a bow at the front. It actually is my favorite one, I just hadn’t worn it in a decade when I mentioned it to him over text) and slip between the sheets beside him.

Des’s arms curl around me, I’m tucked into his body, and—feeling safer than I ever have—I promptly fall asleep.



When Simonefirst proposed coming to Lovers’ Peak for Thanksgiving, I almost refused. I have a rambunctious toddler and a busy husband, and traveling across the country on short notice seemed like more effort than it was worth.

But now, with Liam in his stroller and Rudy walking beside me, I can’t help but feel warmth flood my chest. All of us are down in the center of town, where we’re meeting Mia, Des, and Bailey before the Lovers’ Peak light display begins.

“You want me to push him for a while?” Rudy asks, his hand sliding over my lower back.

Smiling, I shake my head. “I’m good.”

Coming here for Thanksgiving was impulsive, but in a way, it made me realize all the things I have to be grateful for. I have my health (still in remission!), my child—and I have Rudy. He smiles at me, hair perfectly tousled in the cool autumn breeze, and I feel a rush of affection for him.

“Oh, look!” My eldest sister Candice comes rushing toward me, tugging me toward the nearest street corner. At the far end of the street, in front of town hall, a gigantic Christmas tree rises up to brush the sky. “Isn’t it amazing?”

Blake, her partner, walks with us and slides his arm around Candice’s shoulders. She leans into him, smiling slightly.

“What time do they turn the lights on?” Trina, my other sister, asks as she hops the curb and comes to stand beside Candice. Mac has his hand wrapped around hers, their two kids looking into the window displays of a nearby store.

“An hour after sundown,” Candice replies. “It’s a famous event, apparently. The day after Thanksgiving, the town turns on the Christmas lights.”

“Up!” Liam coos from the stroller. “Up!” He lifts his arms and Rudy dutifully picks him up, placing him on his hip as he turns to point at the Christmas tree. It’s not quite sundown, so the lights are still off, but people in high-vis uniforms are on ladders, putting the finishing touches on the display.

I smile at the two of them, feeling luckier than ever.

“Is that Blake Harding?” a voice calls out from the other side of the street.

“Here we go,” Trina says, rolling her eyes.

Laughing, I turn to see Blake’s raving fans come to mob him and ask for photos. He’s an actor and usually keeps a low profile, especially in Heart’s Cove, but whenever I’ve seen him interact with fans, he’s always gracious with photos and autographs.

It takes forever though, so the rest of us move partly down the street and wait for him to catch up.

At the next street corner, we find Simone and Jen deep in discussion about a Danish pastry they’re sharing. It’s from the bakery just beside us, and Jen is busy admiring how skillfully the pastry is crafted. Simone is just eating it and nodding along. Fiona and Grant walk arm in arm out of the bakery with a pastry of their own, lips covered in powdered sugar.

“Where are we meeting Mia and Des?” I ask.

“At the Christmas tree,” Georgia replies, joining us outside the bakery. Her dainty diamond ring glitters as she pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “Sebastian’s picking Piper and the boys up. They should be here right in time for the lights to come on.”
