Page 115 of Hunger

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“I…” My fists clench as I say the words. “I don’t want to hurt her.”

“Since when you have given a fuck about hurting someone?”

I stare at him flatly and he grins at the insult.

Even though he’s right.

I’m very blunt with the handful of women I’ve dated beyond the usual one-night stands I prefer, but once I inform them clearly about what my intentions are and what I can give them, I no longer take responsibility for their pain.

I don’t take pleasure in any pain they may feel. I just disconnect from it.

I’ve haven’t given a shit about a woman’s pain since I was a child, but with her, her tears do something I don’t want. They move me. As much as I ache to taste them, they instill in me a need to protect her, a need I don’t want to be burdened with. Not only that, but I’ve never particularly cared about a woman’s pleasure before, not like this, nor have I ever felt this desperation to see a woman unravel from ecstasy.

“Touché,” I respond.

“It can’t be all that bad, Grey,” he smirks. “I’ve seen the way your exes all line up to get fucked by you again.”

“That’s because I’m good, Gideon. Not because I care.”

“And you do this time? Look, I like Indie a lot, but I mean, how well do you even know her?”

“Enough to know that hurting her wouldn’t be acceptable to me.”

“What, is she more fragile than most or something?”

“No. She’s strong. I just… don’t like the idea of her pain.”

“Life is pain, friend. You told me that. Why do you care?”

I drop my head, exhaling slowly as I close my eyes, rubbing my fingers into my forehead as one of them presses into the scar hidden from view. “Maybe I need to take a step back. Just work on the issue with her ex and keep it professional.”

“Professional? You’re not colleagues, Grey. I’ve seen the moody way you two look at each other. There’s nothing professional about the hormones raging between the two of you. I’m still fucking amazed you made it out of that house without fucking her last night. You both deserve a medal for that one.”

“This isn’t helping,” I reply to Gideon’s grin before glancing at the time on my phone.

Six o’clock. Half an hour before I’m supposed to pick her up.

“So, are we doing the foursome?” Gideon asks.

“You take Fran out on her own,” I reply. “I’ll deal with Indigo.”

* * *


“Are you sure it’s not too revealing?”

I twist my body, taking in my long peach summer dress in the mirror and the way it clings to my breasts. I’ve worn it dozens of times, but I’m suddenly self-conscious about how much of my breasts it shows, especially in light of yesterday’s skimpy outfit.

“Babe, I think he’s already got quite an eyeful,” sniggers Fran before I grab the pillow from my bed and throw it at her.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about it being revealing,” deadpans Rami with twinkling eyes. “There’s not much more he could see of you without performing a colonoscopy.”

“Oh God,” I groan, sitting down and burying my head in my hands for a second as I recall the moment I opened my eyes to see them watching Grey as he recalibrated my existence with his tongue. I was too mortified this morning to respond to their ribbing as we set off for yoga. “I’m so sorry about that,” I say for the fifth time today.

“Don’t worry,” responds Rami as I grab my glass of rosé and take a stupidly large glug. “His head was blocking most of the view.”

“Fucking God,” I groan, taking another sip to try to forget as Fran stifles laughter. “I’m honestly mortified.”
