Page 215 of Hunger

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Being restrained

“Am I supposed to specify?” I ask.

“I imagine the man will have some ideas.”

I doubt she’s wrong there…

“What else?” she asks.

“Well, I really want to… suck his cock.”

Her spine snaps up straight in her chair. “You haven’t yet?”

“No. I mean, just the head, but I was kind of a mess that day. You know, after that guy showed up.”

“Oh yeah,” she sighs. I told her and Rami the story the next morning as they had a right to know. It was part of the reason they reluctantly agreed when Greyson insisted we all leave that day for our safety. He even had a security guard drive them home while he took me home in the same car as Gideon. “So he’s withholding his cock from you, hey?”

“He keeps talking like I haven’t earned the privilege yet.”

“Fuck, that’s hot.”

“It’s fuckingdickprevation, that’s what it is.”

She chortles. “He’s just enjoying working you into a frenzy.”

“Well, it’s working. Is fellatio even a kink, or just a normal part of sex?”

“Just write it down. It’s not like he’ll object to knowing you want it.”

I scribble fast before I lose my nerve, my handwriting messy compared to the perfect elegance of his.


I want to suck your cock

I drop my forehead to my palm, groaning internally at the words only to hear a vague chopping sound coming from outside.

I grab my phone and head to the bedroom window overlooking his huge back garden and the field and forest beyond. Panning my gaze down to the patio below, I see Grey, dressed only in his black sweatpants, heavy-duty boots and a white T-shirt. He’s wielding an axe in his hand, chopping big wedges of wood into little ones.

“Holy shit, Grey’s chopping wood. With an axe.”

My body warms at the sight of the thick, lean flexing muscles of his arms which raise the axe over his head and chop down into a fat wedge of wood placed on a huge log standing vertically on the gorgeous stone slabs of his back patio. As the axe makes it through the air and into the wedge, it splits into two, both pieces falling to the ground. He grabs the larger piece and places it back onto the sawn-through log.

“Liar,” Fran spits out.

“I swear to fucking God. It must be for his log fire.” I lift the phone to the window and turn it, angling it down so that she can see.

“Can you see?”


I try again, shifting the angle as the axe goes through another piece, wielded most deftly by this giant of a man.

“Holy shit,” says Fran. “New kink… Put on lumberjack shirt, take me out into the forest carrying that axe, and fuck me against one of your trees.”

“Stop,” I smirk only to gasp audibly when I remove the phone from the window to find Grey staring up at me, a sinful smile spreading across his face.
