Page 270 of Hunger

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“Well, I’m gonna need some convincing,” I reply. “I’m hormonally challenged when it comes to that man. He’s basically been a one-man libido reanimator.”

“Fine. Then use him for that. Didn’t he suggest that at one point? Using his body? Kind of like a living dildo with limbs?”

“Stop,” I chuckle. “I honestly wish his dick was all I cared about. I can’t really describe why I can barely think of anything else. I feel… human around him. I feel like I can speak without being shouted down or demeaned. Apart from the fact that I love watching him and listening to him and trying to uncover who he is, he makes me feel… safe.”

“Feelsafe,” adds Rami, joining Fran on the sofa and tilting the phone so that I have to look into all-seeing brown eyes. She slides her short black hair back off her forehead. “Feel. That’s the operative word. It doesn’t mean youaresafe. For all we know, he likes you letting your guard down so that you don’t offer up any resistance when he tries to sink his teeth into your neck.”

“Stop it,” Fran laughs.

“I don’t think that’s it,” I add.

“Oh, no? How safe did you feel when the woman his family want him to marry walked into the room tonight?” barbs Rami.

“That’s not his fault,” counters Fran. “He clearly didn’t know about it.”

“And what if Indie’s some experiment or something?” adds Rami. “Some last-ditch attempt to defy daddy?”

“Does it feel like that when you’re with him?” asks Fran.

“No,” I reply. “I don’t think so. It feels more like he’s… learning to be human or something.”

“Well, tell him to get back to you once that’s done,” snipes Rami.

I would tell her she has a point, only after the events of the past year, I know how easy it is to feel less than human, for I’ve struggled with that particular brand of abyss since around the middle of my relationship with Micah.

I shudder in a breath. “How did we look together? On the island? I mean, did we look like we fit?”

“All I remember is him glaring at you constantly as if he wanted to bite into your neck and suck all your blood out,” deadpans Rami to my smirk of amusement.

“Agree,” adds Frannie with a grin. “That glare wasnothuman. Honestly, the chemistry between you two was so hot that it was kind of hard to tell, but, yeah, you looked good together. You looked amazing. I mean, your styles couldn’t be more different, but there was this kind of ease amidst the crackle, if that makes sense. And you looked confident around him. I loved that.”

I think I know what she means. From the first day I met Grey, I've spoken to him with an audacity that I've not dared to around other men I've dated for a long time. What’s more, I knew he wouldn’t hold it against me, even when he glared at me so hard that I felt the heat of his eyes on my face.

“Look, I once dated a guy,” says Fran, “whose mommy was quite the bitch. I mean we’re talking no boundaries, an opinion on every single fucking thing that you say or do or wear. No sense of personal space. The whole nine yards. And when she was a rude twat to me, her spineless little gnome of a son would back her up! He didn’t dare stand up to her. And I’d just have to bend over and take it. At least Grey is defending you. That’s all that matters.”

“Apart from the six-foot gazelle who strode in looking like she wanted to rip my head off my tiny body,” I add to Rami’s grin.

“Well, he doesn’t want to be with her, right? I mean he could be. It’d make the family happy. She wants him, but he wantsyou. If you’re not happy and he’s not safe to be around, that’s one thing, but don’t find excuses to run away because you’re afraid that somethingmayhappen.”

“Ouch,” I gripe. “That hurt.”

“Look, I’m sorry, babe,” Fran replies, huffing out a breath of conciliation. “But you have a man who wants you so much that he’d defy that fucked-up family of his. Don’t punish him forthembeing such total assholes. I honestly think you’re angry at the wrong person.”

“Oh God, quit it,” I moan. “Now I feel guilty.”

“That’s what friends are for,” deadpans Rami as Fran’s lips widen into a smile.

“Fuucckkk,” I sigh.

“Go find his dick and apologize to it,” adds Fran as I muffle laughter as she references the rather vivid encounter Grey and I had on his dining table.

“You’re not gonna let me forget I told you that, are you?”

“Hell no. That man is freakinghot.”

“I know, but I’m not apologizing for feeling emotion. I had enough of that dynamic with my mother.”
