Page 30 of Hunger

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“It amused me to watch you as you are. People don’t behave the same around their boss as they would ordinarily.”

“You’re only my temporary boss, you know.”

I know, Indigo.

In fact, I’ve been counting the days till her employment with me is over. As much as I enjoy helping her financially, I can’t do what I want to do to her, and what I believe from the ways she moves around me, that she wants from me, until she’s no longer my employee, temporary or not.

I nod.

“What else do you know about me?”

Her earnest plea for information has me leaning back in my chair.

“I know that you’re twenty-three.”

“And you’re twenty-nine,” she mutters.

“How do you know that?” I ask.

She lifts her chin in that impertinent manner of hers. “I have my sources too. What else?”

As I stare at her, I realize that her suspicion is etched with desperation… and fear.

“I know that you’re single.”

“Carrie told you that?”

“Tom did.”

She frowns. “What else did he say about that?”

“Nothing. Just that you’d been single for a while.”

She leans forwards, her presence huge despite her tiny body. “I don’t want you digging into anything else about me. Is that clear? It makes me feel uncomfortable. Like I’m being watched. I hate the feeling.”

“I'm in the business of finding out information, Indigo. Finding it, and hiding it. Normally when people come to work for me, however fleetingly, I do a check on them to make sure they’re not a risk to the company or to me. In your case, I decided this weekend not to have someone do a thorough check on you.”

“How good of you,” she scoffs. “And I wouldn’t consent to that anyway.”

“You don’t have to consent. There are ways to get information.” She shakes her head in the kind of panicked exasperation that comes with feeling out of control. “But our relationship will be better if it’s based on trust. I’m not going to find out any other information. And I’d like you to do the same for me.”

She breathes fast, her breasts moving as her chest expands.

“Fine,” she finally says. “You don’t look into me. And I won’t look into you. It’s not that I have anything to hide. I just… I don't like being… spied on. I hate it.”

I can’t tell if it’s the light or if her eyes are misting. She drops her chin, settling a little, sitting herself back in my chair.

After a few breaths, she speaks. “What did he want? Your father.”

“To talk business.”

“The business of getting rid of me? He seemed to be hinting that he couldn’t wait till I leave. I don’t even know what I did to upset the man.”

“You did nothing.”

“Then, what? He just picks a name out of a hat to disapprove of each day?”

“I don’t think he likes the way I look at you, Indigo.”
