Page 41 of Hunger

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“Don’t tempt me, Indigo.”

My cheeks heat, the warmth spreading throughout my body as I try not to drown in the silvery lake of his eyes, to wilt in the presence of his powerful body as the percussion of my heart counts down the seconds until his self-control weakens as much as I have. “Why not?”

It only takes him one frantic second to have me bent over his almost-empty desk, his full weight pressing into my back.

A high-pitched exclamation flutters from my throat as he growls into my ear while his erection presses greedily into my ass.

And oh my fucking God, the thing is huge… and about as hard as I am wet.

His lips brush against the side of my face as one hand curls around the front of my throat, beginning to squeeze air from me as he very slowly dry-fucks my ass, his stiff cock pressing hungrily into me over and over.

“I warned you to behave, little girl,” he groans into my ear.

“Yeah, well, I'm not the behaving type,” I counter, hardly able to believe the audacious words falling so easily from my lips. And then I add something I know is going to piss him all the way off. “What are you going to do about it?”

“You couldn’t handle it, Indigo.”

“Hmm,” I manage despite the kinky bastard squeezing my throat, intermittently releasing it to allow me air, something I thought would make me panic… but with him, it doesn’t. “I’m pretty tough,” I whisper. “Try me.”

His palm hits the desk behind me as my head swivels to see his other hand unbuckling his belt which he pulls out in one swift stroke. His free hand squeezes my ass cheek tightly and my forehead hits the top of the desk as the belt jangles as if being positioned.

From my peripheral vision, I see him sweep his hand back, ready to whip my ass. I brace myself, ready and desperate to be punished, only the lash doesn’t come.

I wait and wait… turning my head to see him staring down at me, but before I can speak, he lifts me from the table, wrapping his arm around my neck to pull me into him.

He speaks into the side of my face, just out of sight. “I lost control. I’m sorry.”


Greyson, don’t be…

Lose it…

“This isn’t how we’ll do this,” he whispers. “You working here makes it wrong. We’re going to be patient a little longer.”

I manage to turn as he loosens his grip on me.

Right now, all I can think about is the aching in my sex, one he’s refusing to relieve. I mean, I know he’s still technically my boss, and maybe he’s doing the right thing, but dammit, I’m going to need the help of Fran’s special vibrator to make it through the night after this.

I frown, searching his luminescent eyes which peer into me, his head dipping a little as if wanting to kiss me… or am I imagining that?

When he finally speaks, it’s quiet, the words unwanted.

“I’ll take you back to your room.”



“I’m so sorry. I told you from the start I wasn’t ready for anything serious, remember? I told you that you could see other women for a reason… so you didn’t get too attached.”

Kohl’s brown eyes burn despite the restraint carefully bound into his body. I thought he’d take this well given how many times I hammered home that I was too fragile to be in a serious relationship after my last, but instead, the last half hour has felt like some kind of negotiation exercise, and every time I feel like he's getting it, the goal posts shift and I have to explain it again.

I spoke to Marilla, my spiritual mom who is like a real mother to me before letting him in this evening. She offered for her and her partner Ophra to come around for moral support in light of the shitshow that exploded when I tried to end things with Micah, but I reassured her everything would be fine.

Kohl isn’t dangerous or abusive like he was and our relationship has never been serious, consisting of occasional dates and some pretty unsatisfying sex when I’ve been able to, but I can’t help feeling uneasy.

He leans his bulky frame forwards, the waning sun turning his designer shirt a silvery gold and casting shadows under the cheekbones of his handsome face.
