Page 61 of Hunger

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“Well, she’d better not be late tomorrow or I’m throwing her in the fucking ocean,” snaps Anne.

“She won’t be,” smiles Carrie whose eyes suddenly widen as she spots something over my shoulder. “Indie!”

At the sound of her name, my heart thuds heavily in my chest as a rush of adrenaline rages through me despite a concerted effort to keep my body still.

I turn to see a somewhat disheveled young woman rushing up the garden stairs towards the reception hall before barging her way through the open doors, almost tripping as she does.

Her pink hair flails about as she bounds up to the group.

“I’m soooo sorry,” she blurts out breathlessly, inhaling sharp lungfuls of air. “I got a—” She clutches her chest, only her profile visible to me. “I forgot we had to wear a long skirt to practice, so had to go back and get it,” she utters sheepishly to Carrie’s good-natured grin.

Two of the bridesmaids smile at her warmly while the other watches her, her expression flat.

“The hair’s still pink, then?” says Anne, doing little to hide her disapproving tone.

Indigo raises her chin in a rather defiant way, which turns me on as much as when she does it to me. “Yep,” she asserts boldly. “Still pink.”

“Well, it’ll be tied up tomorrow, so we won’t have to see it, at least,” replies Anne, and I spot the eyeroll by Indie in the direction of Carolyn whose hazel eyes glisten mischievously in response.

Indie throws an unimpressed look at Anne before grabbing an elastic band from around her slim golden wrist and pulling her long hair into it, wrapping the ends around the band into a messy bun at the back of her head.

My eyes are drawn to the neck I can’t help but want to kiss… to lick… to bite.

“Better?” she asks.


“So what did I mi—?”

But as Indie turns to look at the groomsmen, her sentence grinds to a deafening halt, despite her plump lips remaining nice and parted as her gaze hits mine.

Confusion registers on that pretty little face of hers above the rapid rising and falling of her chest.

“Indie, you remember Greyson,” says Carolyn innocently, as if she didn’t follow my instructions to ensure I spend the week living next to her friend.

“Um. Yes.”

“He’s one of Tom’s groomsmen.” Indigo slides her eyes across to Tom before closing them for a long second.

“Of course he is,” she mutters, much to my merriment, before glancing around at Gideon and Kennedy, her lightly freckled cheeks flushing so perfectly.

“Thank you for turning up,” Anne spits at her before turning to the group. “So, now that everyone hasfinallygraced us with their presence, this is what we’re doing. The bridesmaids will be spending tomorrow morning in Carolyn’s room getting ready and helping her. Then we’ll walk over here together. You ladies will be waiting behind that partition over there. When the music starts, the four bridesmaids will each join arms with one of the groomsmen on my instruction, and one after another, you’ll walk down the aisle. The groomsmen will line up at the top of the steps to the right of the altar, the bridesmaids to the left.”

She takes a step back, throwing a rather objectionable look at Indigo who, from what I gather, has a personality diametrically opposed to the highly organized wedding planner.

Even so, her hostility rankles me.

“Right, let’s finally match you up,” Anne says, slipping her eagle eyes up and down the face and body of every bridesmaid and groomsman.

“Hachiko, you’ll be with Jermaine. Nisha, you’ll be with Kennedy. Sarah, you’ll go with Greyson. And Indigo, you’ll be with Gid—”

“I’d like to go with Indigo,” I interrupt. “I can help keep her out of trouble.”

Out of my peripheral, I see Indie’s mouth gape in outrage.

“You’re much too tall for her,” whines Anne. “It’s not a good match.”

“I think they’re perfect together,” responds Carrie.
