Page 68 of Hunger

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“You had everything.You have no idea how lucky are. I suppose you prefer whoring it up with your so-called friends”—she lifts her contemptuous gaze to mine for a second—“than speaking to your own mother. What a fucking mistake you were.” Rami exhales roughly, adding her own commentary. “The bitch is on form today.”


“You’re a disgrace to this family. You could have had it all, you spoilt bitch. You leave everyone decent. Your ex was too good for you.”

I read the words this morning but they still skewer me.

Rami puts the phone down. “Fuck, I can’t wait for the day I beat this demonic succubus’s ass.”

“I don’t think I’ll stop you, babe,” I say, drinking down some more juice. “Though she isn’t worth it.”

She picks up the phone. “You deserve to suffer, you ungrateful wh…” She slams it down, clenching her fist on the table. “Right, that’s it!”

“Sorry,” I say, taking the phone from her. “Not exactly pre-yoga preparation.”

She stares me straight in the eye. “Fuck. That. Bitch.”

The words come out with such fury that she makes me grin despite the threat of tears. I grab her hand over the table. “Don’t worry. I’ve made peace with how evil she is.”

“How did she even get your new number?”

“Aw, she dominates every single family member of mine. They just cave whenever she makes some demand. Or she throws money at them…”

“Block the bitch,” Rami snarls.

“Yeah, and have her harass you, Fran, Yoshi, my boss, my cousins, my—”

“Yeah, I can take her,” she breathes.

“Oh, I know that. I just can’t subject everyone around me to her venom. Plus I nearly got fired a few months ago because of her insane emails to my boss. It’s easier just to let her spew her poison at me.”

“You shouldn’t have to.”

I nod, releasing a shuddery breath as I stare down into my half-empty glass.

“Is it just her?” Rami asks and I close my eyes without meaning to, trying to process the relentless onslaught of Micah’s texts by proxy since I got here.

I take a sip of juice, contemplating whether I can lie and get away with it, but instead, I say one word. “Micah.”

“Has he been in contact?”

I nod and she bangs her spoon down onto the table, making me instantly regret telling her. “Fucking prick. I knew he would. How’s he doing it?”

“I don’t know. Today there are two numbers sending the messages. They’re both private and there’s no metadata attached to either of them. They’re internet numbers, or whatever that system scammers use is.”

“What’s the prick saying?”

“He threatened to have someone turn up at the wedding.”

“He’s bluffing.”

“I know. I just keep thinking I should placate him until after it’s over. Plus, they’re being really careful not to say anything that could prove it’s him. I feel like if I engage with them, get them to say stuff, I can collect enough evidence to file.”

“For the protective order? You’re finally gonna do it?”

I nod. “Yeah. I think so, though is it even worth it with him in jail?”

“Fuck yeah,” Rami replies. “I mean, these messages fuck you up, right?”
