Page 79 of Hunger

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“Too incorrigible,” I suggest.

“I can believe that somehow.”

“If I do ever get married, it’ll be in a barn surrounded by rescue animals with people drinking beer and eating sticky food on paper plates…”

He arches a brow. “It just so happens I have a barn…”

As my step falters thanks to wobbly whiskey-addled feet and the shock of his words, his hand moves up my back, the other gripping mine more tightly.

“No, you don’t,” I spit out.

“I may have to prove it to you when we get back, Indigo…”

Breathe, woman, breathe…

“Save the lines for women who want to hear them, Grey.”

“Oh, that wasn’t a proposal, Indigo. For one, I wouldn’t propose to a woman unless she’d proven that she has what it takes to meet my needs.”

Holy shit…

“And two, I highly doubt I’m the marrying kind either.”

“Well, if you are, I’m sure there are no shortage of drunken bimbos around here who’d sign up for that.”

He scrutinizes my lips as I try to regain my composure and pretend I didn’t just give him signs that I was seething with jealousy watching him be approached like that.

At least he has the grace to change the subject…

“How’s the retreat?”

“Amazing. We’re worshipping our inner goddesses this week.”

“That sounds like something I could help you with.”

I clear my throat at the insinuation spoken with such poise.

“No, thank you. We’re worshipping the divine feminine, and other very yin things men are usually too stunted to comprehend.”

His eyes glimmer with mirth rather than the annoyance I’d expected.

“You’re just gonna have to go amuse yourself with one of guests who were throwing themselves at you back there.”

Oh God, I’m at it again…

He pulls me in a little closer, and I can’t help but feel like some fairy held inside this giant man’s frame.

He dips into me a little, his lips a freaking work of art emitting hushed words. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous, Indigo.”

I'm suddenly hyper-conscious of the way my palm is slipping against his as he loosens then tightens his grip on my hand. “I’m not jealous,” I retort through gritted teeth. “Just disappointed at how easily women lay themselves out on a platter for men like you.”

“Men like me?”

“Yes,” I reply defiantly. “I mean, I'm sure it’ll make your stay here memorable.”

He shakes his head slowly.

“As for me,” I continue, deciding my mouth hasn’t run away with me enough, “I’ll be on a dick detox till the end of the week and not one minute before.”
