Page 95 of Hunger

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“You joining us?”

“Not yet,” I reply, pulling my phone and wallet out of my back pocket and handing them to him. “Can you look after those?” I begin to unbutton the buckle of the belt I’d very much like to employ on her pert little ass until it was bright red and very, very sore and she was beginning to see the error of her ways…

“Sure. But don’t take too long. Ramirez looks like she wants to strangle Kennedy with her belt.”

I pull my T-shirt up and over my head, dumping it and the belt onto the lounger next to Indie’s as she rinses her tight little frame off, the water forming glistening rivulets which trickle down the golden curves of a body she’s clearly looked after carefully, and one small enough for me to pick up and carry about at my leisure. The image takes me back to this morning when I made myself come in the shower, working my shaft to the thought of that naked body of hers next to me, climbing onto my dick, riding me as I held her, the water making our bodies a slippery mess.

As the water dampens her long hair, turning the muted ends a vivid pink, I pull off my shorts. “He’ll survive,” I respond, aware that Kennedy’s boisterous personality is something of an acquired taste, and apparently one that Indie’s friend cares for about as little as she does me.

As Indigo walks over to the far side of the pool, my eyes pan over to the inebriated fuck in the too-tight speedos wolf-whistling at the sight, and for a second I do actually envisage myself spending some time in prison in the near future… once I’ve half-drowned him, of course.

She locks eyes with me for a moment as she approaches the edge, glaring wildly, making it quite clear what she thinks of me, as if I didn’t know it already, before diving into the pool, mostly empty due to the setting sun and the cooler early-evening air.

“Do you want us to order food for you two?” Gideon asks as she swims hard and fast, her crawl better than I’d expect for someone so messy. “They have really good chickpea fries here.”

“No. Better not.”

At the ding of my phone, I take it back from him to switch it off so that it doesn’t bug them while they eat, only to see my father’s name on the screen and the unpalatable beginning of a message.

I click to open it, my body bracing itself as it so often does whenever I get messages fromeitherof my parents, frankly.

I heard about that little stunt at the auction.

My eyes narrow as I read his words and I wonder who told him, where he saw it… and if there’s someone around me I can’t trust…

Gideon and Kennedy, I trust with my life.

But Tom, my father’s well-paid employee? I don’t know. Maybe… It could have been any number of the people who work with us and who attended.

Ten thousand dollars for a classless whore. I hope she worked it off.

The words he uses to describe her, to describe almost every woman, make my stomach churn.

What does a whore give you for ten thousand dollars?

Well, you’re the expert in that, I mutter internally.

I hear from your assistant that you’ll be gone all week and not back today. I would have appreciated if you informed me yourself so that I can arrange to pick up your slack. If I didn’t know better, I’d say my own son didn’t give a fuck about his family’s business. That’s good to know.

Just as I contemplate whether to answer, another comes in.

Enjoy your whore. Get her out of your system.Oh and whatever you do, don’t spare a thought for your long-suffering fiancée, Greyson.

She’s not my fucking fiancée, Father dear.

She’s a woman I feel nothing for whom you’ve pressured me to marry since before I even knew what my dick was for.

I contemplate not responding, but when I don’t, I can’t get his words out of my head. When I respond, I have to deal with the anxiety of waiting for an answer from the emotionally abusive prick, but at least it makes me feel like I’m not just bending over and taking it like I used to, afraid of speaking up for myself for fear of the retribution and rage that aroused in him.

As a rule, I’m not afraid of others, nor of confronting the people I need to, but with this man, a man who has withdrawn affection from me my entire life, handing it back in breadcrumbs to sustain me, I struggle to assert myself. I’ve always hoped that one day, he’ll become the father I’ve needed, but with every day that passes, that hope wanes more and more and I find myself just wishing that every interaction with him didn’t turn my world to black.

At this point, I don’t know why I don’t walk away for good, like the numerous therapists I’ve had over the years have told me to, despite vocal protests from every woman I’ve ever dated.

Maybe one day, I’ll have the strength to…

My eyes track the girl as she swims back towards the far wall of the pool as if being chased by a shark. Her energy pierces my armor until my hand almost tremors as I type back.

I informed Jerrod I’d be working from here. I don’t need you to pick up any slack. Enjoy the rest of your week, Father.
