Page 34 of Lycan's Mate Denied

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“What do you want?” He couldn’t make out who their attackers were. They had come all in black, masks covered their faces and hunting spray covered their scents confusing his wolf.

The goon holding Kelly tightened his grip making her groan as he put pressure on her ribcage. The man yanked her further away from Ryan and tighter against his own body using her as a shield.

Kelly yelped, a hiss escaping her before the man’s grip on her tightened further and the sound of her labored breathing was loud in the otherwise silent room.

“You don’t need to hurt her. Deal with me; tell me what you want.” He growled as the blade knicked her. The scent of her blood reached him, assuring him that she’d been cut.

“Are you ok?”

“I can’t breathe.”

Her strained answer came to him. He was glad that she had answered but even more furious that she’d been hurt.How the hell had they been able to sneak up on him like that?He wondered.

“We were supposed to finish without waking them.” As the second assailant spoke from near the window, Ryan fought to hide his shock. He’d been so focused on Kelly and the man holding her that he’d missed the second intruder.

“We need to get out of here. Do you really think Dar-”

“Shut up! Do you want to go back to the Alpha and tell him we failed?”

“We need to go. He could call out to others if he hasn’t done so already.”

Ryan felt stupid. He hadn’t even thought to use his mental link to call for help until the man had mentioned it. He opened his shields to reach for Jace.

“Don’t! I’ll kill her before you can get anyone here.” The harsh warning came from the one holding Kelly, and the scent of her blood became heavier.

“We’re taking her. You’re going to sit there and let us. You’ll get more instructions once we’re safe. Understand?”

“You aren’t taking her,” Ryan stated calmly.

“Then she’ll die here.”

“She’s the only thing keeping you alive right now.” Ryan knew that if they hurt her or killed her to get away there would be no controlling his rage. He'd go after them even if it wasn’t a good move tactically, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.

“Let us leave and you’ll get your instructions. We won’t kill the bitch.”

“Why did Darius send you? You’ve lost the element of surprise. Whatever plot you had here, whatever mission he gave you failed. Let her go and I swear I won’t hunt you down and kill you.”


Ryan watched as the two considered his words. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Darius had sent them. He just wasn’t sure what the other alpha had intended.

While they argued, Ryan cracked open the line he had to his brother. He did it slowly and carefully counting on their unique twin bond to shield his actions. It was true that most lycans could feel the telepathic communication among them but Ryan’s bond with his brother had been formed in the womb; they touched each other's minds so often and so lightly that there was a chance their attackers wouldn’t realize what he was doing.

“Jace, send help.”He sent Jace the impression of danger and the knife at his mate’s throat.

“We need to get out of here now.” The one by the window moved as if to exit that way, but the one holding Kelly stood his ground.

“And go where? Back to our alpha? A hostage and a pissed-off alpha wasn’t the plan. Do you think he won’t hunt us down? Are you truly that stupid?”

Ryan made the promise again, not wanting them to feel painted into a corner.

“Just tell me why he sent you and put the knife down. You can tell him you came here but we weren’t home. Tell him you’ll try again. You don’t have to hurt my mate. Put the knife down.”

“She wasn’t even supposed to be your mate. You didn’t claim her before the other packs. If we’d known you’d mated I’d have never taken this assignment. It is a death sentence.”

The one by the window whined, and Ryan capitalized on it. He was the weaker of the two. So Ryan spoke to him while careful never to take his gaze off of the one holding Kelly.

“You were supposed to kill her? Kill both of us?”
