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“Cameron... I...”

She was stunned at the sight of him. He was so much taller than her. So much larger than she remembered or realized that moment he’d carried her to her room. She was frozen. And he was thunderous.

“Leave,” he said, his voice a low growl.

A shaft of light fell across his eyes. Only his eyes. They were bright, electric blue.




“Get out!”

His voice vibrated through her, not low now but thunderous.

“I... I’m sorry... I didn’t know...”

“You knewexactlywhat you did,” he said. “I told you never to come into the north tower, and here you are.”

She took a step back, fear and something...else, spreading through her.

He was so large, so imposing and terrifying. The threat felt...she did not think he’d hurt her. She felt almost drawn to him, even in his fury. Like a magnet.

He was here. He was outraged.


He was in front of her.

“I was looking for you,” she whispered, taking half a step toward him.

“Enough,” he said, halting her movements. “Do not blame me for your deception.”

“It was not a deception, I...”

He took a step forward, and the cloak fell away from his head, as he reached out and took hold of her wrist. He drew her toward him, and she was frozen completely in shock.

The first thing was the scent of him. Sandalwood. His skin.

Then his strength. His heat.

It stole her breath, made her feel bound up in him. In his intensity. He was more than a man, he was something altogether much more dangerous.

Much more compelling.

And then...

He had long dark hair and a heavy beard. And his skin was...


Twisted from scarring. His forehead was rough, a gash causing a dent on his right cheek where it looked as if he had not only been cut, but broken. His nose was crooked, like a prize fighter who had taken too many blows. Three bare slashes crossed his left eyebrow.

Whatever other damage was on his face was covered by the beard, save one spot, another slash of bare skin, where hair did not grow, down one side of his face. And the hand that held her wrist had more thick, heavy scar tissue.

Whatever had happened to him... It had been horrific.
