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The thought made her stop and press her fingers to her lips.

A kiss...

She knew what it was like to be held in his arms. She knew what it was like to feel all that power clinging to her...

What would a kiss be like?

It made her shiver, but not from cold.

She put on her cloak and wrapped it tightly around her as she went outside, the early morning air heavy with the scent of dew.

She looked around, and found flowers. She wanted flowers for her bouquet. This was her wedding, after all.

What was it about him that compelled her so?

He wasn’t beautiful. But then...

Weren’t the mountains here in the Highlands beautiful without being soft or symmetrical? They were wild, craggy and dangerous and lifted her soul and filled her lungs all the more for it.

She thought back to the girl that she’d been, just a couple of months ago. The girl that she had been who had wanted a wedding. Who had almost been willing to be okay with being sold into marriage for the adventure that might come along with it. This would not be romance. But it would be her wedding. Surely that had to mean something. She would not let it go by without there being something real to mark it.

So she clipped flowers, and a matching one to put in his suit jacket.

The thought made her smile. Because she knew he would scowl.

How did she know that? She had only just seen his face for the first time. How did she know that he would scowl at her.

She just did. She could hear scowls in his voice often when they spoke. Just like she could hear amusement, though she could not imagine him smiling.

She had gotten to know him these past weeks.

And even though he had frightened her, he had also come for her.

He had rescued her.

She had gone off into an unfamiliar place and gotten herself into trouble. He might have been angry, but he had kept her from coming into harm of any kind. Her dress and cloak were wet from the dew on the ground by the time she made it back to the palace. Breakfast was waiting for her.

A smile touched her lips.

Of course, the man himself was nowhere to be seen. He had simply made her a gorgeous stack of waffles with fresh fruit, and vanished.

She wasn’t really hungry. Not with anticipation of the day. But when he made her food, she always ate it.

She frowned. She didn’t know why. Perhaps because he was a hard man, and this was something of a gift.

She knew that it was. The way that he could show feelings of some kind.

Or maybe she was attaching too much meaning to something that was quite basic.

She went up the stairs to her bedroom, and stopped.

There was a white lace dress hanging from the top of the wardrobe, the train fanned out across the floor.

Had he brought this? Had he brought it and set it out for her?

With shaking hands, she undressed.

There was a necklace with the dress. A beautiful necklace, with what looked like a large gold coin. She looked at it more closely. It was Athena.
