Page 42 of Players Break Rules

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After I fill my plate with grilled chicken and vegetables, I pay the cashier for my meal and head over to the table in the corner of the cafeteria to sit with my friends.

“About time,” Jamie says, peeking up at me. “Where have you been?”

“I stayed behind to talk to my professor.”

His eyebrows rise. “You in trouble?”

I set my tray down on the other side of the table from Jamie, sitting next to Drake. Trent and Tucker are missing for some reason.

“Nah, nothing like that.” I lift the fork from my plate and dig into the broccoli. “He wanted to talk to me about my last paper.”

“Did you fail?”

I shake my head. “No. He wants to use it as an example for future classes and asked me if I was okay with him sharing it.”

“And here, I’m supposed to be the smart one in the family,” Jamie deadpans.

I roll my eyes at him. “You wish.”

At the end of the table, a few girls are picking at their salads. Some of my teammates must have called them over. I’ve never seen them before.

“Who invited them?” I ask the guys.

Drake follows my line of sight. “They’re with Tucker and Trent.”

“All of them?” There’s at least six girls. “Where is Trent and Tucker?”

“You didn’t see them on your way up here?”

I shake my head, and he continues, “They’re dealing with some chick they were both hooking up with.”

I cock an eyebrow at him. “At the same time?”

“No. They weren’t fucking her at the same time, like in the same room. She thought Tucker was Trent. I guess she didn’t know they are identical twins.”

The Kane twins are known on campus for swapping places—and not just in class.

I laugh so hard it shakes the table. “You’ve got to be kidding me. How is there a girl left on this campus who doesn’t know the Kane twins by now? They’ve played this game with how many girls?”

Drake shrugs. “I was wondering the same thing. It’s common knowledge at Strick U. Maybe she’s a transfer student.”

“Or a freshman,” I add.

“I’d love to hear their conversation,” Jamie says, taking a sip from his water bottle. “Can you imagine her reaction? But your dicks looked the same. How was I supposed to know?”

Drake snorts and soda sprays from his nose.

With a disgusted look, I wipe it from my arm and onto my track pants. One of the girls at the end of the table squeals, stealing my attention. She’s a knockout blonde with long hair past her shoulders. Her clothes are so tight they look like they would be a challenge to remove. She catches me staring in her direction and smiles. I turn away from her, uninterested, because for once, I don’t care about another meaningless hookup.

The only girl I want is across the cafeteria showing off. Bex is out of her seat, dressed in mesh basketball shorts and a fitted Under Armour tee with both hands raised in the air. She pivots her left foot, pretending to fake out an opponent, and then demonstrates a jump shot. Her feet leave the floor, her form perfect as she makes the imaginary shot.

My face hurts from smiling. I’m in awe of her and now considering going over there. But I don’t want a lecture about how Saturday night was a one-time thing. She’s told me so in every text message. I should accept it and heed Coach Bryant’s warning. But I don’t care. I keep telling myself he will understand. That he will make an exception for his favorite player.

“You look like a creeper, Parker.” Drake snaps me back to reality.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

He points at Bex. “You like Coach’s daughter.”
