Page 27 of Lethal Beauty

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That he’d been that close to the bathroom, had even put a hand on the door before I heard him, was enough to have me grit my teeth. Less than two days of having a PSO, I was already losing my edge and focus. If that kept up, I would have to have Matteo put in a request for me to go through some retraining courses.

Pissed at the thought, I snapped, “Well, how did that work out?”

He ignored me, grabbing a towel and laying it on the floor to mop up the water I’d spilled.

“Ready to come out?” His tone held leashed frustration. I cocked my head, realizing something must have happened for his mood to take a one-eighty in the hour or so I was soaking.

“Are you going to strip for me again?”

Brody shrugged, but his attitude shift told me I wasn’t getting another peek. “I’ll dry.”

“What happened?” I asked, my temper calming. “Did Oliver try to sneak back here?”

He shook his head. “No visitors.”

“Then …” I let the word hang in the air.

“Your brother called,” was all he said as, in a move as sudden as when he dumped me in the tub, he reached in and pulled me out. Acting like I weighed little more than a sack of potatoes, he set me on the rug a few steps away from the tub, making sure my feet were under me before letting me go.

“Keene?” I asked, grabbing the towel he handed me and wrapping it around my torso.


“And? Is everyone okay?” He didn’t look worried, so I didn’t think something had happened, but with the jammer in my room and without Wi-Fi, the alarm at my house could have been triggered, and I wouldn’t have been aware of it. It wouldn’t be the first time a fan had tracked down my address and tried to break in.


“Was he trying to get updates on me?” Indignantly, I turned to walk out the door, intending to give him a piece of my mind, but Brody stopped me.

“No.” He ran a hand through his hair. “He was just checking in on me.”

That took the wind out of my sails. “Oh.” I paused, studying him quizzically, clearly missing something but unsure what. When Brody didn’t get my subtle hint, I prodded, “Then what—”

“Talking with him just reminded me you’re complicated. And complicated is the last thing I need right now.”

Frowning, I tried to understand. “So, you’re mad because I’m complicated? Aren’t all women complicated? And what does that have to do—”

He cut me off again, clearly agitated, looking for an escape from either me or the conversation—or both—but the place he dumped me had me blocking his only exit. “I like you.” He stated it as if that said everything, but to me, it explained absolutely nothing.

“I like you, too, but what does that have to do—”

“A relationship with you is way more than I want to handle.” His cutting me off and making assumptions about what I wanted was starting to piss me off, but I tried to shrug it aside. Maybe I’d pegged him wrong when I thought he’d want a relationship. Hell, I might get what I wanted after all.

“So, you’re saying you don’t just like me as a friend, but as someone you’re attracted to?” I wanted to make sure I understood what in the world he was talking about. He nodded. “And you assume I need or want a relationship and that Keene is going to be pissed because I’m his sister.” I tried to put the pieces together. He looked exasperated at me, clearly thinking I wasn’t keeping up with the conversation, but only nodded again.

I brightened. “Well, that’s an easy fix.”

He looked at me as if I had two heads. “It—it is?”

“Well, yeah.” I smiled up at him. “We just sleep together and work it out of our systems. One night that no one needs to know about.”

Chapter 14


Shewascrazy.Herbrothers had tried to warn me, but I hadn’t realized they were underselling her. How in the hell would sleeping together fix what was developing between us? Did she not realize that sleeping together would start something, not end it? It wasn’t a quick flash of flame. It was the start of something hot, bright, and long-lasting. “You think sleeping together once will get this attraction out of our systems?” Maybe I hadn’t heard her correctly.

“Yep,” she said, nodding as if to back up her idea.
