Page 57 of Lethal Beauty

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Boone, Royce, and even Keene looked more than a little crestfallen.Little boys, I thought,they never grow up. “It’s not going anywhere,” I assured them, unable to help myself. “Assuming you can even find it.”

They grumbled, teased, and otherwise did their best to annoy me as they left as the unit they almost always were. I sighed over the remaining dirty plates, mugs, and silverware, putting them all in the dishwasher. That, at least, was back to normal. And, I mused, everything else was going to settle into a new normal eventually. I had one more obligation to Valencia, but nothing else to hold me back from doing what I’d always wanted to do—work at A.T. with my brothers, being able to eat what I wanted when I wanted. And, maybe, I thought as I padded down the hall, listening to Brody sing—badly—in the shower, get the chance to live happily ever after with a man strong enough to handle me. I dropped my clothes as I walked, not bothering to pick them up as I opened the shower door, my smile growing as I took in the sight of the sexy, grinning, naked man in front of me.Not a bad life, I thought as I walked into his arms without hesitation.Not bad at all.

Chapter 32


Iwasgoingtostrangle my sister. I wouldn’t miss her—much—I didn’t think. Over the past month, we’d been working pretty much side by side. Gideon had always run the show, Royce and I were the details men, and Boone was our hands-on, in-the-trenches instructor and overall liaison with just about every branch of government agency I could think of. Alessia was the fire and passion, that was for sure. But sometimes, I just wanted to wrap my hands around her neck.

“What do you mean you told Maria I would take on the survivalist class this weekend?” I pinched the bridge of my nose between my fingers, hoping to starve off the brewing headache.

Lessia looked at me innocently. “I mean, I told Maria that your calendar was clear and since she needed someone to take over the class because of Cal quitting—”

“You mean since you caused Cal to quit,” I said flatly.

Her eyes flared in memory. “I mean, since Cal quit because I kicked his egotistical, misogynist ass after insulting me for the thousandth time. If he can’t back up—or at least live up to his own mouth—then that’s his own damn fault.”

Because I agreed with her, at least in principle, I returned to the class. “Why can’t you take it over?”

She gave me an aggrieved look. “Because I haven’t had time to pass my qualifications on teaching the survivalist class, as basic as it is. And I haven’t been camping since I was a teen.”

I closed my eyes. The survivalist class was definitely one of the most basic—more like camping with a ton of “what to do ifs,” thrown in. If it weren’t for the exorbitant fees we charged for it, it wouldn’t even be worth our time. But there was nothing rich men loved more than bragging about how bad-ass they were unless it was bragging about how they’d been taught by the best in the world how to be the bad-asses they thought they were.

“It’s one weekend,” she consoled, patting my shoulder in mock sympathy. “And you’ll have Brody and me for company.”

I brightened at her mention of her boyfriend. “Brody could—”

She shook her head. “Brody hasn’t had time to take his qualifications in this class either. He’s had his hands full taking over and revamping the Tactical Firearms courses.” He’d officially taken over as the head instructor of those classes a few weeks before.

I sighed, resigned to canceling my plans to fly to my cabin in Colorado that weekend for some R&R. “And I’m guessing all our other siblings are otherwise occupied?”

Lessia shrugged. “They called not-it before I could do anything.”

Bastards, I thought, but I knew I would’ve done the same thing in their place. “Fine. I’ll plan on babysitting rich assholes this weekend.”

She grinned, the mischievous look in her eye making me pause. “You forgot, there’s a potential hire going on this trip, plus Brody and me, as well the rich assholes.”

“Just remember they’re paying clients.” I felt the warning was necessary. “It’s bad enough you’ve been tossing around employees. The last thing I need is to deal with you punching some bastard who said something out of line.”

Instead of warning her off, she seemed to brighten at the thought. With my headache worsening, I yanked open my top drawer, pulling out the almost-empty bottle of aspirin. It was my third bottle since Lessia had begun working at A.T. “Cheer up.” She handed me a bottle of water as I tossed down two pills. “Brody will be there, and with any luck, this new person will work out. I think they’re angling for this trip as their regular gig if I remember correctly.”

I thought back, trying to pull the file from memory but coming up foggy on the details. “I think Boone did the initial interview. But you’re right. I think they’re supposed to take over the basic camping and survival classes, assuming they know their stuff.”

Her smile grew. “We can always hope.”

“As long as no one leaves in an ambulance or a body bag, I’ll call this weekend a win.”

Shrugging, she looked unconcerned. “No problem. If we end up having a casualty, I’ll have Brody bury them in the woods.” Her laughter followed her out the door.

With any luck, whoever Boone had interviewed would know their stuff, and I could put them in charge of the weekend, all in the name of making sure they were the right person for the job and put Brody on Alessia detail. Maybe it would be a peaceful trip after all. I tried to think positively, but my churning gut told me I’d better strap in for a wild weekend.
