Page 102 of Discovery

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One month on since Hurricane Kirsty had crashed through, and Caroline was on cloud nine.

She walked back into the kitchen, folding the tea towel in her hand, and placed it on top of the counter. Hannah sat at the table reading through work documents, her reading glasses making her look even more intelligent than Caroline already knew she was.

“I wanted to let you know that Edie has won an award at school.”

Hannah looked up, removing her glasses. “Pardon?”

“Edie. She’ll find out at the end of the week in assembly. It’s the compassion award.”

“She has?” Hannah grinned as she got to her feet. “What does that mean?”

“Several students were nominated by school mentors, classroom assistants, that sort of thing. Edie’s name came up a lot, Hannah. I can’t say I’m surprised, but I’m so happy that she’s won it. She deserves it.”

Hannah’s bottom lip trembled. “Did you put her forward for this?”

“No. It’s nothing to do with me. I only know who won because I was in the staff room this morning when the votes were counted.”

“So, what now? Does she get a certificate or something?”

Caroline pressed her index finger to Hannah’s lips. “She can’t know about it beforehand. I promised I wouldn’t say anything. Please, keep your voice down.”

“Okay, I’m sorry.”

“But no, it’s not just a certificate. She also receives a one hundred pound gift certificate for a bookstore in town, and a free meal at the new burger bar that’s recently opened.”

“Oh, wow. She’s going to be thrilled.”

Caroline lifted a hand when she heard movement upstairs. “I think she’s coming down. Pretend you know nothing. I’ll put dinner out.”

Hannah followed Caroline to the other side of the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Caroline’s waist from behind. “Let me help. You always make dinner.”

“I…like making dinner.” Caroline glanced over her shoulder, accepting a kiss from Hannah as she leaned in. “And anyway, you can sit there and tell me all about your call with Kirsty.”

“Do I have to? I’d rather just watch you while you look all sexy with a spatula.”

Caroline barked a laugh as she turned to Hannah, holding the spatula up between them. “You know, I can think ofotheruses for this.”

“Oh, I bet you can.” Hannah smiled into a kiss, and then she whispered, “But I think we’re going to need something far more sturdy if you’re planning to spank me, babe.”

Caroline’s blood rushed south, and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth. Hannah seemed to make it a habit to do this, turn her on at the most inappropriate times. When she should have been serving lasagne, Caroline was imagining Hannah whimpering for her.

“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

“I think you may need to leave the kitchen until dinner is on the table. I can’t work with you here.”

“Put dinner out, babe. I’ll go and make sure Edie has finished upstairs. She wants us to watch some new series thing with her after we’ve eaten.”


Hannah turned back to Caroline, her brows drawn. “Yeah?”

“Kirsty. How did that go?”

“Okay. She’s doing much better. She’s taking meds, and they’re moving her closer to home to continue her treatment. Her mum is palliative now.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Caroline may not like what Kirsty had done to her, but she understood that mental health and inevitable death didn’t go well together. She’d already forgiven Kirsty. She just didn’t need to see her ever again. “Is she going to be okay?”

“I think so, yes. She apologised and asked me to apologise to you, too. I think something had snapped within her, and we got the brunt of it. I am sorry that I ever put you in that situation with her.”
