Page 11 of Discovery

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Lifting a dress from the rail,Hannah glanced in a mirror as she held it against herself. She’d never gone out of her way to pick up something new for a client, but Hannah had woken up this morning feeling exhilarated by her short conversation with Caroline. That woman was drop-dead gorgeous, and even if she didn’t see it herself, Hannah had no issues drumming it into Caroline at every possible opportunity. Christ, she’d even dreamt about Caroline last night.

This…was an unusual feeling.

But it was a feeling Hannah wanted to get used to. While she knew the consequences of seeing a client as something other than business, Hannah was also strong enough to sever that tie if or when the time came. It wasn’t as though her relationships had been amazing in the past, so really, she wasn’t missing out on anything.

“Nice dress,” a voice behind her whispered close to her ear. “How much do you charge them to remove it?”

Hannah barked a laugh as she turned, shoving her best friend back. “You couldn’t afford me!”

“As your best friend, I’d hope you’d offer me a discount.” Adele placed a hand on her hip, a brow quirked. And then she softened. “I’m glad you called. I’ve been bored to tears all morning.”

“Fancy some lunch when I’m finished here? I’m starving.”

“Obviously. It’s the main reason I said I’d meet you when you called.”

Hannah snorted. “Charming. And there was me thinking you just wanted to see me because you’d missed me so much!”

“I only spoke to you on the phone yesterday. Don’t be so dramatic.”

Hannah was joking. Adele had bagged herself a new boyfriend, one who was taking every ounce of time they’d usually spend together. But Hannah could live with it. She’d always wanted Adele to find happiness. “How’s the love life?”

Adele grinned. “Athletic.”

“Oh, I bet it is. Does he have a sister who is available, by any chance? I’m beginning to think I’ll never date again.”

“Why do you need to date? You have women payinghundredsjust to look at you!”

As wonderful as that was for Hannah’s ego, it wasn’t enough. She hated leaving the house each weekend, knowing that nothing would come of her ‘date’. There were many women out there quite content with escorting, but Hannah wasn’t one of those women. It was a job…for now.

“You really think I’d rather be out escorting when I could be at home curled up in someone’s arms?”

Adele cocked her head, regarding Hannah with a gentle smile. “You really are a romantic, aren’t you?”

Hannah and Adele were quite opposite in their personalities. While Adele could take or leave a relationship, Hannah dreamt of more. From the outside looking in, people would think they had nothing in common, but they’d been best friends since they were fourteen, and Hannah couldn’t imagine anyone else replacing her.

“I just…want more, you know?”

“You’ll find someone. One day.”

Hannah wanted to believe that, to see the positives of life, but her last relationship had not only done a number on her but on her daughter, too. She was terrified to risk their happy home like that again. “Kirsty broke me in some way. Three years…and then she’s gone. Just like that. Maybe I’m not relationship material, and that’s why I seem to be doing well with…work.”

“Kirsty had no idea what she had when she was with you, Hannah. She always wanted more, and I’ll bet you right now that she’s sitting somewhere kicking herself. It’s only been six months since she left. Give it time, and when you least expect it, the right woman will come along. Iknowthey will. You’re too much of a babe to be single.”

Hannah sighed, eyeing herself in the mirror again. “Maybe. I don’t know.”

“Anyway, why are you treating yourself to this gorgeous dress? Felt like a splurge?”

“Oh, yeah. Thought I’d update my wardrobe.” That was a complete lie, but Hannah wasn’t ready to tell Adele about Caroline yet. It was far too soon to have Adele cheering her on from the sidelines with this. Especially whenthiswasn’t going anywhere at all. “Got plans with the boyfriend this weekend?”

“Not at the moment. Are you working?”

“I am. Tomorrow, at least. I have a client booked in for the evening, so…that’s nice.”

Adele winked. “I see.”

“Not like that, you dirty dog! It’s dinner. Maybe we’ll move on to a bar. But that’s all. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that Idon’tsleep with them, Del.”
