Page 18 of Discovery

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Hannah looked over at Caroline, her face the picture of shock. Yes, she too was shocked to discover that her client was her kid’s teacher, but Hannah couldn’t focus on that right now. Edie was her priority. Still, her clientwasher kid’s teacher.Fuck!“Thanks, Caroline. For looking after her.”

Caroline smiled weakly, clearing her throat. “No problem.”

“Now, I want you to tell Ms Baker the names of these girls. All of them. And don’t give me all that ‘I don’t know who it was’ because I’ll find out one way or another.”

“But it’ll just get worse, Mum. I don’t want to be a snitch.”

Hannah scoffed. “A snitch? Love, they’ve attacked you. Look at the state of you.”

“I started it. The fight.”

Caroline got to her feet, rounding her desk and leaning against it. Hannah swallowed as their eyes met, and then they trailed down Caroline’s body. Her pantsuit. Navy crushed velvet, tailored,sexy as hell. Hannah groaned inwardly. God, this was all totally wrong. She was sheer perfection. And then Caroline spoke. “Edie has been excluded from school for three days.”

“What?” Hannah shot to her feet. “You heard her. Those kids are picking on her. And while violence is never the answer,” Hannah paused as she eyed her daughter momentarily. “What else is she supposed to do? Just let them name call and say whatever they like?”

“No, of course not.” Caroline held up a hand when Hannah opened her mouth to speak. “The other students will be dealt with, too.”

“This is complete rubbish. Why should my daughter miss out on important school time because the school doesn’t know how to deal with bullying?” Hannah took Edie’s bag from the floor, motioning for her daughter to stand. “I thoughtyouof all people would understand, Caz.”

Caroline pushed off her desk, stepping forward. “Edie, if you could just take a seat for a moment, I’d like to speak to your mum outside.”

Hannah rolled her eyes, dropping Edie’s rucksack to the floor as she followed Caroline outside. She understood Caroline was only doing her job, but Hannah would always stand by Edie.

“Hannah,” Caroline paused as she closed her classroom door. “I understand you’re frustrated, I am too, but the head has already made his decision. The students who took part in this will be dealt with. I can promise you that.”

Hannah looked through the glass. “Look at her, Caz. She’s never hurt a soul in her life.”

Caroline offered a gentle smile. “She was defending you. And while I don’t condone what she’s done, I’d be proud to have a daughter like that.”

“Your own kids wouldn’t defend you?”

“I don’t have any kids.” Caroline clasped her hands in front of her, lowering her eyes. And then she swallowed as she found Hannah’s eyes again. “Don’t you think I’d have told you that when we’ve been together?”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”

Caroline shook her head. “It’s fine. But I had no idea you were Edie’s mum. I’m so sorry. If I’d known—”

“If you’d known, what? You wouldn’t have asked how much I charge for a fuck?” Hannah winced as those words left her mouth. Caroline didn’t deserve that. Not at all. “Oh God, I’m so sorry.”

Tears welled in Caroline’s eyes, her bottom lip trembling. “No.I’msorry. I just…I won’t contact you again. And if I’ve disrespected you by suggesting what I did that night, please forgive me.”

“You didn’t. I chose to take up that line of work; it’s my own fault. You just did what every other client does. Expects more…knowing I need the money so I won’t turn you down.” Fucking hell. What was wrong with Hannah today? The things she was saying, the hostility towards Caroline. She needed to leave right now. Yes, Hannah was angry that Edie was being excluded from school, but that wasn’t on Caroline. “Okay, I’m just going to leave now. I…I’m sorry. For how I’ve just spoken to you. You didn’t deserve that.”

“Hey,” Caroline said, placing a hand on Hannah’s wrist. “If it means anything to you at all, I don’t see you as Eva. I see you as Hannah. And I always will.”

Hannah smiled, placing her hand on the door handle. Caroline being honest meant a lot to her. But it wouldn’t change anything. This was probably only going to push Caroline away…or scare her off. She opened the classroom door and stepped inside. “Come on, you. Let’s get you home.”

Edie got to her feet gingerly, tucking her chair under her desk. As she moved towards the door, she looked up at Caroline. “I’m really sorry for disappointing you, Ms Baker.”

“Oh, sweetie. You haven’t. We all have blips, but you haven’t disappointed me. I’ll see you next week, okay? Back to normal. Working harder than any of my other students.”

Hannah watched their interaction, her heart swelling when Caroline spoke to Edie with respect and honesty. Why hadn’t Hannah had a teacher like her back in school? Lord knows she could have done with a supportive teacher like Caroline. But then Hannah’s heart softened further when she realised the bond Edie and Caroline had. Her daughter was quiet, always had been, but she seemed different around Caroline. Like, she wanted to show what she was capable of. Not many kids willingly took on board what their teachers thought of them, nor did they seek approval, but Edie definitely had a soft spot for Caroline. She wouldn’t usually be so open and honest about her problems.

“Bye, Ms Baker.”

Caroline smiled as she winked at Edie, and then she turned her attention to Hannah. “If I have any updates, should I contact you via the number the school has for you?”

Hannah watched Edie skulk off down the corridor, her rucksack hanging off her back. She quickly turned back to Caroline, her voice low as she stepped closer. Caroline’s body heat sent Hannah’s own temperature raging, that delicious perfume she was becoming too fond of wafting towards her. “Yeah. That’s my number. Call me…whenever you want to.”
