Page 21 of Discovery

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“Anyway, I didn’t come here to discuss my terrible personal life. I just wanted to make sure we were okay. The thought of hurting you or offending you… I’d be devastated if you thought of me that way.”

“Hey,” Hannah reached forward, settling her hand over Caroline’s. That hand, the gentleness of it, yeah…Hannah felt good. “I know you’re different to the others. I knew that from the moment I met you. That’s exactly why I told you to call me. It’s exactly why I told you who I was the night of your first booking.”

“I’m really not your type, trust me.”

Hannah squeezed Caroline’s hand, and then she lifted it, leaning forward and kissing her skin. The emotion she felt from that simple touch almost floored Caroline, her chest tightening. “I beg to differ, but if you’re not interested, you’re not interested.”

“You don’t know the first thing about me,” Caroline said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“But I would have loved the opportunity to get to know you.”

God, why did Hannah make Caroline want to kiss her every time they were close? Right now, she wasn’t sure she could even remain friends with her. It would only lead to a place Caroline wasn’t prepared to be—either getting involved in something she shouldn’t be or a longing that she couldn’t take.

Caroline slid her hand out of Hannah’s, smiling weakly. “It’s best this way.”

* * *

Hannah fell backonto the couch, her phone gripped in her hand. She needed some serious thinking space and a swift kick up the arse. How could she for one second contemplate something more with Caroline? Hannah had sworn herself off women after Kirsty, they always let her down at some point, but Caroline Baker…well, she was something else entirely. Hannah wanted to know her, to learn about her, but more than anything…she wanted to hunt down the bitch who’d ruined Caroline and seriously hurt her. Because in Hannah’s eyes, Caroline was everything anyone could want in a relationship.

But Caroline was right. Hannah didn’t know the first thing about her. That didn’t discourage her, though. It only left Hannah wanting to prove she wasn’t like Caroline’s ex-wife. And truthfully, Hannah had never felt the urge to prove herself to anyone. Especially not another woman.

She lifted her phone, pressed her best friend’s number, and brought it to her ear.

“Hello, my little cherub.” Adele’s gentle voice calmed Hannah instantly.

“Hey, do you have a minute to talk?”

“For you, always.”

Hannah smiled, closing her eyes as she brought her hand to her forehead. Adele would know what to do. She always did. “I have a bit of a dilemma…”

“You, a dilemma? Never.”

“Ha! You’re hilarious.”

“No, I’m serious. You never call me because something is wrong. It’s usually me calling you.”

Hannah sighed. “Yeah, well, the tables have turned, my friend. I kinda did something recently…”

“Did something?” Adele drawled, waiting for more from Hannah.

“So, I had this client two weeks ago. Then again last Friday. She’s lovely.” How the hell did Hannah fully get into something like this with her best friend? She hadn’t quite pieced it all together herself yet. Hannah had been too busy hoping Caroline would give her a chance. “I may have kinda asked her out on a date.”

“Like an escort date, right?”

“N-no. With me…not Eva.”

Adele barked a laugh. “Well, shit. You got yourself knee-deep into it, didn’t you?”

“It doesn’t really matter because she’s not interested, but I just needed someone to talk to. She’s just…I don’t even know how to describe it. She has so much beauty, but I see how broken she is, Adele. And I want to show her that there is life still there to be lived.”

“As much as I love you and your huge heart, are you sure you want to take on something like that?”

Hannah would sit up all night listening to Caroline if she had to. To help her work through things at her own pace. But the fact still remained…Caroline wasn’t interested in Hannah. “I would, for her, but she doesn’t want to know.”

“Maybe that’s for the best, Hannah.”

“And then today,” Hannah paused, clearing her throat. “I was called into Edie’s school. She was in a fight.”
