Page 23 of Discovery

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Caroline was feeling great tonight.She wore a sleek royal blue dress, a pair of heels she didn’t imagine wearing ever again, and Gail had been over to keep her company—and sane. Tonight, Caroline was determined to enjoy herself. She was going to hold her head high as she walked into that bar, and she was going to really let her hair down.

Because, as of today, it was officially half-term. No school for a week, no screaming kids, no…nothing. Caroline could get as drunk as she wanted to, and she was going to make sure she made up for every night out she’d missed over the years. Yes, this was her first outing with friends since she divorced Naomi. Two years of drinking wine at home alone ended from this point forward. She was meeting colleagues, and Caroline had never felt more determined to enjoy herself. She had Hannah and the confidence she’d given Caroline to thank for that.

She stepped into the bar, immediately spotting Brenda and Sharon. They waved her over, both grinning from ear-to-ear, a bottle of wine held up in the air. “Over here, Baker!”

Caroline laughed, shaking her head as she shrugged her jacket off and headed in their direction. God, she didn’t realise how much she needed this night out. No pressure to be home for a particular time, no arguments because of the fact she’d gone out at all, no asking for money so she could buy herself a couple of drinks. It was quite nice not having anyone to answer to.

But Naomi would always be at the back of her mind. It was hard not to have her there when Caroline knew this was her usual stomping ground. If she didn’t think about the potential of bumping into Naomi, Caroline would surely enjoy every moment of tonight with her friends. She’d worked with Brenda and Sharon for fifteen years, and while they hadn’t known just how dreadful things at home had been during her marriage, they weren’t stupid. They knewsomethinghad been wrong.

“My God, you’re here!” Brenda flung her arms around Caroline, squeezing her tight. “I didn’t think you’d show. But I’m so happy you have.”

“Me too,” Sharon said, offering a wink in Caroline’s direction. “Can I get you a drink?”

“No, I’ll go to the bar. Does anyone need a top-up while I’m there?”

Brenda grinned. “Unless you’re bringing shots back with you, I’m okay for now.”

Shots? They actually still did that on a Friday night out in town? Jesus, Caroline really needed to get out more. “You…want shots?”

Sharon squeezed Brenda’s shoulder. “Maybe later, eh. Caz has only just walked through the door. I’d like to make sure she can walk back out of it and to the next bar later.”

“Right, yes. Good idea.”

Caroline threw a thumb over her shoulder. “I’ll just be a few minutes.”

She made a beeline for the bar, weaving through the throngs of people already in full swing. This bar had always had a nice feel to it, it’d been one of the city’s best for at least twenty years, but Caroline hadn’t been in here for…seven years. She used to frequent it with Naomi in the earlier days of their marriage, but once things changed…once Naomi changed, Caroline stayed home. Naomi didn’t; she met with friends and family whenever she wanted to, but it was always implied that Caroline was to stay home. And if she didn’t, there would be a huge fallout at the end of the night. Being at home just seemed easier. It was less aggravation that way.

Caroline approached the bar, slipping in between two couples.

“Oh, MY GOD! Caz?” The bartender rushed from the opposite end of the bar, her eyes wide. “Is that really you?”

Caroline laughed. “It’s really me.”

Roxanne had worked the bar here for over ten years. She knew everyone, what their choice of drink was, and who they were dating.

“You look fantastic! Did you want your usual?”

Caroline wasn’t sure what her usual was anymore. It would be a surprise if nothing else. “Uh, sure.”

“And Naomi?” Roxanne peered over Caroline’s shoulder. “What’s she having tonight?”

Caroline frowned. Did Roxanne think they were back together? “I, um…we’re not—”

“I’ll have a vodka diet coke, Rox.” Naomi’s voice sent a shiver down Caroline’s spine, her breath hot against her bare shoulder. And then she felt Naomi lean in towards her ear. “Well, well, well. Look what the catdraggedin.”

Caroline immediately gripped the edge of the bar, exhaling a slow breath as Naomi wrapped an arm around her waist from behind. She hadn’t laid eyes on this woman in at least eighteen months, so why did tonight have to be the night they bumped into one another? It didn’t matter if Naomi turned around and walked away in the next ten seconds…Caroline’s night was ruined regardless.

“What are you doing in here?” Naomi asked, disdain in her voice. “I mean…you could have dressed up a bit.”

Here we go…

Caroline closed her eyes, breathing through her emotions…her anger.

“This is why I always told you to stay at home. You have no idea what fashion is,baby.”

Caroline slipped out from between the bar and her ex-wife, heading straight for the exit. She needed fresh air and time to think. Naomi being here couldn’t change anything; she’d progressed too far to revert back now. She stepped past the security guards, inhaling a deep breath as the cool evening air hit her. Everything was going to be perfectly fine. Naomi had no say over her life anymore. She was nothing.

And then Naomi landed in front of Caroline, that evil grin she wore so well spreading on her mouth. This was the entire reason Caroline didn’t step foot inside bars anymore. What was the point?
