Page 25 of Discovery

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Caroline gripped Hannah’s hip, pulling their bodies together, her tongue slipping past Hannah’s lips. Heat slid to her core, the entire room of people around them fading away, but then a clearing of the throat brought Hannah and Caroline crashing back down to reality.

Hannah grinned as she spun around, taking Caroline’s hand. “Sorry, who are you?”

“The ex-wife,” Naomi said, standing heavier on one leg, her fiancée now talking with a group of people.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Caz doesn’t mention you. I had no idea…”


“I’m Hannah. Caz’s girlfriend.” She held out a hand, smirking when Naomi chose not to take it. She turned her attention back to Caroline, aware that the woman beside her was truly stunned. But she would apologise profusely once they were alone. “Babe, why don’t you go back to our table, and I’ll grab some drinks on the way?”

Caroline nodded, forcing a smile. “Sure. Bye, Naomi.”

As Caroline walked away, Hannah cleared her throat. “Hey, Caz?”

Caroline turned, frowning.

“You look fuckingamazingtonight.”

Satisfied that she’d done her job, she watched Caroline blush as she turned and walked away, weaving through the crowd. So long as Caroline didn’t make a run for it out the back door, Hannah knew they could figure everything out in a few minutes.

Naomi turned her back, edging towards her group of friends, but Hannah gripped her wrist and stepped up to her side. She leaned in, her voice low. “If I find out you’ve so much as breathed the same air as Caroline again, you’ll be watching your back for a long time. And if I hear the shit you talk once more, things won’t be pretty. Leave herthe fuckalone.” Hannah straightened her dress and pulled her shoulders back, offering Naomi a full smile. “Have a wonderful night.”

Hannah followed the path Caroline had taken a few minutes ago, catching sight of her as she pushed through the bathroom door. Had she just made a huge mistake in involving herself? Right now, she didn’t care. She wanted to be sure Caroline was okay, and then she would let her get on with the rest of her night. She had to be here with friends, surely. Hannah pushed through the door, thankful that the bathroom was empty. “Caz?”

A lock released on one of the stalls, but Caroline didn’t appear. So Hannah went to her instead, slipping inside the stall. She was met with the most heartbreaking sight, tears streaming down Caroline’s face. “Hey, no. We’re not doing that. You’re not crying over a woman who is nothing more than a complete bitch.”

“Y-you shouldn’t have done that,” Caroline whispered as she lowered her eyes. “She’s not stupid. She knows I wouldn’t be in a relationship with someone like you. I’m sure she’s having a good laugh right now.”

“I don’t follow…”

“Oh, come on!” Caroline scoffed. “Look at you. In what world would we be dating? I may be aware of the fact that my ex-wife is a bitch, but even I have to agree with her on some things. And as much as I appreciate you stepping in just then, she knows we’re not together. And I’m sure I’ll hear all about it the next time we bump into one another.”

Hannah swallowed, stepping closer to Caroline as her back pressed against the stall wall. “I don’t know what you think you see in yourself, but I’m telling you right now that you are stunning. Remarkable. A woman I could quite easily get lost in over and over again.” Hannah lifted a hand, brushing a tear from beneath Caroline’s eye with her thumb. “Please, don’t cry. She’s not worth it.”

“I used up all my tears for Naomi a long time ago.”

Hannah frowned.

“These?” Caroline smiled weakly. “These were brought on by you.”

“O-oh.” Hannah stepped back suddenly, her heart sinking as she realised what Caroline was saying. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have.” She held up her hand, disappointed that she’d done what she did. What gave her the right to just step right up and claim Caroline’s lips? Who the hell did she think she was, strolling into the bar and saving the day? Pathetic, and all down to the fact that she wanted to kiss Caroline. “God, I made a mess of this here tonight. And I completely get it. You didn’t want me to do that, but please, accept my apology. I’dneverforce myself onto anyone. I just…I don’t know. I thought I was doing the right thing.” Hannah dropped her head on her shoulders, sighing. “I’m sorry, Caz.Sosorry.”

Caroline took Hannah’s hand, squeezing it. “It’s okay. It was shock more than anything else. And you didn’t force anything…I reciprocated.”

Yeah, Caroline had. And Hannah still felt the tingle of this woman on her lips. “If it means anything to you, it was amazing.”

“You’re the first woman to kiss me in…” Caroline brought her fingertips to her lips, closing her eyes. “A long time. Naomi stopped kissing me years before I left.”

“You can do so much better than someone like her, Caz. I heard everything she said to you outside, and I need to leave this bar tonight knowing you don’t believe a word she said. You’re so much more than she will ever be.”

Caroline lifted a shoulder. “This is my first night out with friends since the divorce, and she managed to ruin it.”

“You go back out there and enjoy yourself. Dance, drink, have fun. And you know, while you do it, give her the middle finger from across the room.”

“Oh, I wish I had your confidence.” Caroline laughed, and then she cocked her head. “Why couldn’t I have met you in a different time?”

“Because we were supposed to meet now.” Hannah focused on Caroline’s eyes, her tears finally drying. “And as much as I know you want to be alone, I’d really like to take you on that date sometime, Caz.”
