Page 28 of Discovery

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Caroline didn’t want to imagine. Brenda had been her colleague since the day she started at St. Peter’s High School. Colleagues was exactly how it would remain. “Hannah is a friend. There was the potential for a date, but I’m not really in the position for dating.”

“And why is that exactly?”

Caroline frowned. “You know why.”

“Oh, honey. It’s been two years. Live a little. Let go and have fun. It may not go anywhere with Hannah, but you’re entitled to a little fun until you find the one for you.”

“That’s the problem, though. I fear itwillgo somewhere with her.”

“Do you have any idea how she looks at you?” Brenda asked, spinning Caroline again and then stepping closer. “Tell me right now what you want to do…”

“I…” Caroline paused, frowning. What did she want to do? Deep down, she knew, but on the surface, everything felt uncertain. “I don’t know.”

“That’s a lie.” Brenda looked at her pointedly. “Did she ask you out on a date?”


Brenda nodded. “Right. Well, you’re going to accept that invitation. That woman is absolutely gorgeous, and I know she wants to see you again. Anyone in this bar tonight can see it.”

“She won’t want me,” Caroline murmured.

“What was that?”

Caroline cleared her throat. “I said she’s too young for me.”

“Oh, nonsense. All that age stuff is irrelevant. If she makes you happy—she certainly makes you smile—then what does it matter?”

Caroline had a lot to consider. That was all she knew right now.

And then a gentle hand on her shoulder had her spinning around. Hannah was standing in front of her looking as delectable as ever.

“I’m…headed off.”

Why did the idea of that sadden Caroline so much? She was the one who had pushed Hannah away at every given opportunity. “Oh, going somewhere else?”

“Just home.” Hannah diverted her eyes to Brenda. “It was lovely meeting you. Take care.”

And then Hannah spun on her heel, leaving the dance floor without another word.

Caroline hated watching her go. But she was the one who had cut contact with Hannah. Even though she knew getting tangled up with an escort was a mistake, her heart said differently. Because whatever Caroline did, she still thought about Hannah. About the potentials. The smile she brought to her face. The happiness she felt in her company. And then Hannah had strode in here tonight and been completely selfless in diffusing the Naomi situation. She didn’t have to do that, to get one over on Caroline’s ex-wife, but she had. Because she cared. Because she wanted Caroline to feel good. To feel…wanted.

Then there was the kiss. Jesus, she’d never been kissed like that in her life.

“You could always go after her since you look so sad watching her leave.”

Caroline side-glanced at Brenda. Could she do that? Really?

“Go,” Brenda whispered in her ear. “Grab your things and follow her outside.”

Caroline shook her head.

“If you don’t, you may never get the opportunity again, Caz. Do something for yourself for a change. I know you want to, and I know Hannah wants you to.”

How could Brenda possibly know something like that? Unless… “Has she said something to you?”

Brenda lifted a shoulder, and then she guided Caroline back to their table. “She spoke very highly of you. That’s all I’m saying. Now, are you going after her or what?”

Caroline inhaled a deep breath, eyeing the door. Hannah was outside using her phone; if she didn’t leave now, she probably wouldn’t catch her. “Can I? Should I?”
