Page 36 of Discovery

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Oh, no.Hannah’s heart constricted when Caroline looked up and locked eyes with her. And then her own eyes filled with tears when Caroline switched between Hannah and Juliet, a weak smile forming on her mouth. Caroline looked devastated, and Hannah…well, she felt like the world had just caved in on her.

“So, what do you say?” Juliet interrupted Hannah’s stare.

“About what?”

“Coming back to my place with me,” Juliet said. “I promise we won’t be interrupted. I’ve already diverted my work calls for the next few hours. I thought you deserved more than me running out on you every time we meet. You’re going to get a complex soon.”

“Honestly, it’s fine. I understand you’re busy.”

“Well, my old personal assistant decided to leave me in the lurch around seven months ago. She was good at her job, and I’ve had several new assistants since then, but…it’s easier to work alone. So, I’m running the lot single-handedly.”

“Sorry to hear that.” Hannah pushed her food around her plate, eventually dropping her fork to it. “Look, would you be really offended if I declined your offer to come back to your place?”

Juliet frowned when Hannah’s voice cracked.

“It’s just…I can’t give you any more time today.”

“Hey,” Juliet whispered, reaching a hand across the table and settling it gently on Hannah’s wrist. “Please don’t be upset. It’s not a big deal.”

Hannah offered a faint smile. Juliet really was lovely. “I know, but you paid for a service, and to be honest, it’s shockingly poor today.” Hannah would admit to being in her own head from the moment she arrived at Juliet’s table, but she had too much whirring around her mind. Leaving Caroline this morning, God…she’d never seen a look of disappointment and heartbreak like it in all her years. “I’ll have the agency refund you.”

“No, you won’t.” Juliet squeezed her wrist gently. “You seem to have a lot on your mind, and as much as I hoped I’d get a few more hours with you today, I understand that you’re only human. We all have bad days.”

Hannah nodded. What she would give to discuss everything going on for her right now. “I know. It’s just…” She stopped herself. Juliet wasn’t her friend or therapist. She was a client. Just as Caroline had been. “Never mind. I’m sure I’ll be fine next time.”

“What is it?” Juliet’s soft brown eyes stared back at Hannah, melting her heart. “You’ve listened to me complain about work for long enough; let me return the favour.”

“No, I couldn’t.” Hannah lowered her eyes, pushing her plate away. She really couldn’t stomach the delicious food this afternoon. “Let’s just enjoy the rest of our time together here, and next time, I’ll make myself available for whatever you want.”

Hannahneverwanted to make herself available for sex. It wasn’t who she was…or who she thought she’d become. But here she was, offering her body to keep up with her mortgage payments.

“You don’t like this job, do you?” Juliet cleared her throat. “Escorting.”

“Honestly? No.”

“Then why do you do it?”

Hannah puffed out her cheeks, relaxing back in her seat as she took her cup of coffee from beside her lunch plate. “It was the only thing I felt was available when I needed something financially stable. And in time, I hope to get out of it.”

“What was it that you used to do? Or have you always done this?”

“No. I was a personal assistant. I lost my job four months ago when the company went bust. I was one of the lucky ones who managed to keep my job until the very end. They let a lot of people go much earlier than me. You’re probably familiar with them. Jenkins law firm?”

“I am. I actually took on a few of their staff. The PA who ghosted me was from Jenkins.”

“Oh. Who?”

Juliet wiped the side of her mouth with a napkin as she finished her lunch. “Kirsty Hardacre…”

Hannah laughed. Was the world just trying to piss her off lately? “Ah. My ex.”

The thought of Kirsty made Hannah’s stomach turn. She’d given her all in that relationship, too much some may say, only for Kirsty to dropandghost her after a three-year relationship. Hannah had no idea Kirsty had worked for Juliet Saunders, so that said a lot about their relationship. Kirsty had told Hannah she was working a general admin job in an office in the city. She neveroncebrought up Saunders Law.

“She’s good at keeping quiet, I’ll give her that.”

“Your…ex. Care to saywhyshe’s an ex?”

“Not really.” Hannah smiled over the rim of her coffee cup. “But I’m sorry she left you in the lurch.” Seemed Kirsty was good at doing that to people. Whether it was personal or business didn’t appear to matter to her. “I’m sure you’ll find someone who can replace her one day soon.”
