Page 4 of Discovery

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Caroline felt a wave of something unfamiliar wash over her, that heat she felt on her cheeks spreading over her entire body. The toe of Eva’s stiletto heel was trailing up the back of her calf, those slender fingers still tapping on the table as she pinned Caroline with her stare. “C-can I get you another drink?” Caroline knocked back her wine, trembling as she slid out of the booth.

Eva placed a hand over her glass. “I’m okay for now. Maybe later.”

“R-right. Yes. Sure.” Caroline kept herself composed, the fear of stumbling her way to the bar a real possibility. Eva was just working. That’s all this was.

Yeah, leave it to you to want to bed the bloody escort, Caz!


Whatthe hellwas she doing? Eva was working, Caroline had paid for her to be here, but from the moment she’d laid eyes on Caroline, Eva had fallen into another existence. One where Caroline’s green eyes infiltrated her world, those long, dark luscious locks flowing so freely down her back. And the dress? God, it made those eyes all the more intense.

This…wasn’t good.

Yes, Eva was still a newbie when it came to the world of escorting, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t aware of the rules. The rules of getting involved, the rules of heartbreak, just…the rules. But Caroline already didn’t feel like a client. She felt like someone Eva had stumbled upon in a bar, like an ordinary night. If she hadn’t paid to be with Eva tonight, she was absolutely the kind of woman Eva would gravitate towards. But the fact still remained, shehadpaid for Eva. She was working. And Caroline, well…a woman with so much beauty yet pain behind her eyes, wouldn’t be interested in Eva and her fourteen-year-old kid.

Caroline was forty-seven. Eva knew that from the details Caroline’s friend had provided on booking. It wasn’t an issue for her, the age, but this woman had to know exactly what she wanted. She was professional, a teacher, Eva assumed. She would be completely out of her mind to entertain the idea of a real date.

And even if shedidthink about exploring, it would only end one way. Disaster. Eva didn’t have time for another disappointment when it came to love. She’d faced plenty of that recently. Her own daughter had asked that she not get involved with anyone unless they meant the world to her, and Eva had to agree. The failed relationships weren’t doing either of them any good, but Eva only wanted someone she could love. Someone she could climb into bed beside at night, resting her head on their chest as she slept, them playing with her hair.

This wasn’t the life she wanted.

The money was great, but if she had things her way, she wouldn’t be escorting. The company was mostly fantastic, but Eva had never imagined herself in this line of work. She’d once had much bigger hopes for the future. But the mortgage on her house needed paying, her daughter needed uniforms and equipment for school—as well as the essentials that came with being a living, breathing thing on this planet—and Eva hadn’t known which way to turn. A friend of hers had suggested escorting to help with the bills, but it just wasn’t what Eva had wanted.

Okay, she wasn’t Eva. She was Hannah. Hannah Adams. But tonight, she had to be Eva. Even though she didn’t want to be when she was around Caroline. She couldn’t quite explain why Caroline had caught her attention from the get-go, but the beauty of this line of work meant Eva could flirt freely…and Caroline would never assume it meant more.

Caroline came walking towards her, a slight sway to her delicious hips, and held out her hand. “Come on.”

“Look at that.” Eva grinned, taking Caroline’s soft hand. “I didn’t even have to try to encourage you. You’re a dark horse.”

“I love this song. And if the offer of dancing is still on, I’d love to take you up on it.”

Could she dance with Caroline while separating her feelings from her job? Eva had never had to do so in the past, but it surely couldn’t be that difficult, could it? Besides, she didn’t know the first thing about this woman. By the end of the night, that immediate attraction would probably be gone. Fuck, Evaneededit to be gone. “That offer will always be there. Let’s dance.”

Caroline led Eva to the dance floor, the beat flowing through her body as she turned and placed a hand on Eva’s waist.Don’t let this go too far.Eva had never crossed the line with a client, but as she watched Caroline let go, her curvaceous figure a vision in front of her, it only strengthened her claim that Caroline didn’tfeellike a client.

When she eyed Caroline, Eva sensed a nervousness beginning to interfere. Caroline hadn’t wanted to dance initially, but Eva was happy she’d changed her mind. This woman knew how to move. Wanting it to continue long into the night, Eva pulled Caroline in by the waist, smiling as their cheeks pressed together.

They looked good together, and that was exactly what Caroline had employed her to do. They weresupposedto look good together here. They were supposed to blend into the crowd as Eva gave her the girlfriend ‘nightlife’ experience. And if that was going to happen, she would have to give Caroline a little more.

Just enough to leave her wanting…

Eva’s thigh moved between Caroline’s legs as their bodies pressed together. A smile spread on Caroline’s mouth, and if Eva had heard right, Caroline’s breath had just caught as they moulded into one. But this was what Eva craved. Someone who enjoyed being with her and not wondering what she could provide. Yes, Caroline had eyed her on several occasions, but she hadn’t done so with the extra payment of sex at the end of the night. It was one of those rules that was broken if the price was right. Not with Eva, but within the industry. Caroline hadn’t once given that impression.

She seemed like Eva.Hannah. Someone who just wanted to enjoy another woman’s company.

Caroline’s arm wrapped around Eva’s waist, their bodies moving sensually as the beat of the music changed. Eva felt the shift in Caroline as she relaxed more into this, but she quickly realised that slow dancing with this woman wasn’t the wisest idea she’d ever had. Eva found herself struggling to pull away. Caroline, her emerald eyes, her soft hands…they did everything without intentionally doing so.

“You move so well,” Caroline whispered as she leaned towards Eva’s ear. “I’m very impressed.”

“And to think you didn’t want to dance with me.” Eva took her bottom lip between her teeth as she turned her face away from Caroline. God, this woman was gorgeous. “I was initially offended.”

Caroline brought Eva’s gaze back to her. “And now?”

Aroused!Eva wanted to yell. “Surprised.”


“Well, you had me convinced that you were a terrible dancer. But you’re not. I’m impressed…and your hips are a dream.”
