Page 44 of Discovery

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“Okay,so about the trip I have to make next month. I know you’ll probably struggle with childcare, but if you’re able to make it, I could really use you with me.”

Hannah sipped her wine, pushing her plate away. She could get used to working dinners with Juliet. It was a far cry from her last job. It seemed much more pleasant when you didn’t feel as though you had to perform as the perfect dinner guest. “I’ll call my mum. She’ll take Edie for me.”

“I wasn’t sure if it was possible. When I asked you to come away with me last time, you couldn’t make it.”

Hannah nodded. “Yeah, but this is a completely different job to my last one. I’m your assistant, Juliet. Not your escort. If we have to leave the city for a case, then I’ll be there. I promise.”

“Perfect.” Juliet pushed her own plate away, relaxing back into her seat. “So, how are you finding your first week?”

“I love it. It’s nice to get back into doing something I enjoy.”

“I have to say, I’m impressed by your work. I’m not sure your trial period will last very long at all.”

This week had been strange for Hannah in some ways. While she’d relished getting back into a professional setting and a routine, seeing Caroline on Monday had shifted something inside her. “I’m happy to hear that. I’d love to stay at the office if you think it’s something that could work.”

“You know what you’re doing. I don’t have to hold your hand. That, for me, is the most important thing.” Juliet eyed Hannah across the table, sipping her wine. “But I do have to ask something.”

“Ask away!”

“As this week has gone on, you’ve been…distracted. Not with your work, that’s impeccable, but you seem to be in your head a lot. Quiet.”

Hannah chewed her lip as she cast her gaze on the table. She knew she’d felt off, but she didn’t think it was obvious to the people around her. It was Wednesday evening, Caroline continued to infiltrate her every thought, but Hannah didn’t know what to do for the best. Caroline was probably laughing and joking right now with the woman she’d gone on a date with on Monday. “I’m sorry. That’s my personal life getting in the way. It won’t happen again.”

“As I said, I’m not concerned about your work. But I am entitled to be concerned about you. So, I’m here if you need to talk.”

“It’s an ex-client.”

“Giving you grief?” Juliet quirked a brow, the lawyer in her flashing in her eyes. “Is there anything I can do?”

“No. She’s not giving me grief. Not at all. We kind ofalmostcrossed the line while I was her escort, and we both wanted more.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I didn’t have this job at the time. It was actually you who booked me the following day. It didn’t go down very well when I woke up beside her and had to leave because of work.”

“Ah. I see. She wants the good parts but not the rest?”

Hannah frowned. What did Juliet mean? “I don’t—”

“You slept with her, and while she probably thought she could have her cake and eat it…the realisation of what you do set in.”

“No, it wasn’t like that. We didn’t sleep together. She’s been through a lot in the past, and she felt safe with me. I felt safe with her, too. I wouldn’t expect anyone to stay with me while I’m being paid by other women, but it almost happened…until it didn’t.”

“And now?”

“Well, I’m sitting here with you. And as lovely as this has been, I know where I’d rather be.”

“You miss her…”

Hannah twisted her wine glass on the table, swallowing down the emotion lodged in her throat. This was a business dinner. She shouldn’t be confiding in Juliet. “Let’s talk about something else. This isn’t the relationship we have. You’re my boss.”

Juliet sat forward, staring directly into Hannah’s eyes. “Do you miss her, Hannah?”

“So much.” Hannah’s bottom lip trembled, tears stinging her eyes. “Far too much.”

“Then as your boss, I’m telling you to fix it with her.”

“And not as my boss?”
