Page 47 of Discovery

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“See you Monday.”

Juliet nodded. “Nine. Not a moment later. And Hannah?”


“If it all goes wrong, I’ll be at the bar on the corner of Raven Street. You’re more than welcome to join me.”

“Thanks. But don’t expect to see me. I’m not leaving until she speaks to me. Until we’ve figured everything out.”

Juliet laughed, following Hannah out the door and turning out the light. “I wish all women were like you. Have a wonderful night with your girlfriend.”

Oh, if only Caroline was her girlfriend. But Hannah hoped she would be someday. “Goodnight, Juliet. See you Monday.”

* * *

Hannah placeda hand on Caroline’s garden gate, staring up at the huge Victorian house as it towered over her. She hadn’t realised how big it was on the previous occasions that she’d visited, but Hannah remembered it being warm and inviting. It may look intimidating, but the woman who owned it was a sweetheart. One who had enough baggage to last a lifetime. But the baggage wasn’t Hannah’s concern, and it never would be. The issue she faced was trying to explain to Caroline that her call earlier wasn’t anything untoward. Even if it had been, Hannah wouldn’t exactly be in the wrong, but she’d heard the sniffle as Caroline ended the call, and the thought of Caroline being alone and upset weighed Hannah down.

If she could have been here an hour ago, she would have, but Hannah had a serious, well-paid job now. That should excite both her and Caroline, but in this moment, Hannah had no idea what to expect when she knocked on Caroline’s front door. The only thing she knew with certainty was that she was tired of not seeing more of Caroline. When they’d bumped into one another on Monday, Hannah hoped for something…anything, but Caroline had thrown her just by walking down the street.

She opened the garden gate, strode towards the porch, and knocked loudly.

After a couple of moments, the lock clicked, and the door opened. Caroline stared back at her; those gentle eyes tired. She offered a small smile in Caroline’s direction, lowering her eyes when Caroline continued to stare. Honestly, Hannah wasn’t sure she was welcome here.

She took the final step, stopping in front of Caroline. So close that she could smell her soft scent, but emotionally a million miles away. Caroline looked gorgeous in her figure-hugging dress, barefoot, with her dark hair swept to one side. God, Hannah had been a fool to not contact her sooner. She’d missed those emerald eyes. “I never saw you coming. I never imagined you, and Ineverexpected you. But here you are, constantly in my head, always on my mind, and I don’t ever want to go back to a life where you don’t exist, Caz. Never.” Hannah inched forward, taking one of Caroline’s soft hands. “I have no idea where we go from here or if you’ll even want me down the line, but I need to be here. With you.”

Caroline visibly trembled, those green eyes hesitant as she frowned.

“Whatever you think was happening when you called me…you’re wrong. I was working late. Juliet feels awful for interrupting your call, but I swear nothing was going on.”

“You don’t have to explain yourself to me, Hannah. What you do is your own business.” Caroline spoke, her voice hoarse.

“No. You’re not listening to me, Caz.Nothingis going on with her.”

“But if it was, what gives me the right to have something to say about it?”

Hannah exhaled slowly. “Those things you said to me on the phone…did you mean them?”

Caroline nodded, lacing her fingers with Hannah’s. “I did. I suspected it would probably backfire on me, I’ve never done that before, but I’ve spent the entire week desperately wishing to see you.”

Hannah’s heart fluttered. It was a waste of time trying to hide the grin spreading on her mouth. Caroline made her feel good; Why not let it run its course? “Yeah?”

“I feel like a different woman when I’m with you. And that probably sounds ridiculous, but it’shugefor me, Hannah. When I’m alone with you,” Caroline paused, blushing. “I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Try.” Hannah guided Caroline backwards, finally stepping foot inside her house. She kicked the door shut, then found Caroline’s eyes again. Beautiful. “Go on…try.”

“Y-you look at me like I’m worth something. You make me feel as though my life could be incredibly fulfilling again. And maybe I’m reading it all wrong, but it’s how I feel. How I’vewantedto feel for so long.”

“You’re not reading anything wrong, Caz.”

Caroline frowned as what Hannah was saying finally started to sink in. “N-no?”

“When I came here with those flowers,” Hannah paused, running a hand through her hair. “I’d just been offered the job. I came to tell you I’d accepted it on the spot because I was watching you across the room as Juliet suggested it. It could have been the most terrible position, and I still would have taken it.”


Hannah lifted a hand, feathering a thumb across Caroline’s cheek. “Because I’d woken up beside you that morning. I’d watched you sleeping, wishing I never had to leave to do the job I was doing. And while I didn’t enjoy escorting, I have to love it in some way. Because if I hadn’t been an escort, I never would have met you.”

Caroline smiled, pulling Hannah into the living room. Her eyes had brightened, she didn’t appear so hesitant, and Hannah’s heart continued to soar at the thought of being something more with Caroline.
