Page 60 of Discovery

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“You’re not leaving yet, are you?” Edie stood upright, chewing her bottom lip.

Caroline saw that worry in her eyes and shook her head. “Not until you’re fast asleep, no.”

“Kay. Thanks.” Edie took her glass of water from the coffee table and left the living room. Stomping…then the door slamming shut.

“Thank you for saying that,” Hannah whispered, her head resting on Caroline’s shoulder. “And thank you for being so great with her. Hard to believe you don’t have kids of your own.”

Caroline rolled her lips inward. “I was supposed to. Naomi decided I wasn’t cut out to be a mother.”

Hannah lifted her head, her brows drawn together. “What?”

“Naomi. When we met, she wanted kids. But things changed, and she told me it was best if we didn’t bring children into the world. That I didn’t have the time or focus for a family because I was too dedicated to my career.”

“So she never really wanted kids?”

“I think she did. I even considered going to the clinic alone and going through the process, then surprising her. But at that point, she already hated me. I couldn’t raise a child with her knowing she’d likely hate them too.”

Hannah’s bottom lip quivered as she turned on the couch and faced Caroline. “I’m so sorry she took that away from you.”

“I have the kids at school. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to watch so many of them grow and come into their own…and I can live with that.”

“It doesn’t change the fact that you should have raised your own family, though, Caz. It doesn’t change the fact that she ruined every last thing for you.” Caroline hadn’t had the in-depth conversation about her past with Hannah yet, but in time it would come. Still, it spoke volumes that Hannah could hazard a guess as to the life she’d had with her ex-wife.

“I was a coward who didn’t walk away. It wasn’t her fault.”

Hannah took Caroline’s hands. “I know that’s how you feel, but she was your wife…she was supposed to love you and protect you. She was supposed to share a life with youandyour hopes and dreams.”

“I didn’t make her happy,” Caroline said, shifting away from Hannah ever so slightly. “But it really doesn’t matter anymore. My time has been and gone. There’s no use talking about something that can never be.”

“I know it’s not my business. I just…wish things could have been different for you. I’m entitled to that, aren’t I?”

Caroline softened, cupping Hannah’s cheek. “You are. And I appreciate it.”

“Will you stay longer? I don’t want to let you go yet.”

Those were the things Caroline could get used to hearing. The words she’d longed for over so many miserable years. If Hannah wanted her to stay longer, then she would. “Okay.”

“I really don’t want to go away for work next week.” Hannah lay her head back on Caroline’s shoulder, sighing. “Spending a night with you midweek has been lovely.”

“That’s the life of working for one of the best lawyers. But I’m proud of you. I hope you know that.”

“It was touch and go for a minute, wasn’t it? Almost not having the chance to be here with you like this.”

Caroline didn’t want to think about how things started for them. It wasn’t going to play a part in the future, so it really wasn’t an issue they needed to concern themselves with. “Things turned out the way they were supposed to. Now, tell me more about Edie and her change in mood tonight.”

“Okay, but don’t freak out.”

Caroline frowned. Freak out? God, she hated that. Naomi always used to say it. “Why would I freak out?”

“Edie said something to me before. When you went to the bathroom.”

“Okay.” Caroline got comfortable, bracing herself for what was to come. “And what was it she said?”

“She asked again if you were a lesbian. And said that she likes you being here. And…that I like you.”

“So, she’s suspicious?” Caroline ran a hand down her thigh. “Okay, so…”

“I wouldn’t say she’s suspicious, Caz. She just notices that her mum is happy for once. And while I understand it’s not what you want at the moment, I can’t help but feel warmed by the conversation I had with her.” Hannah sighed, shaking her head. “What I’m trying to say is, when the time comes, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”
