Page 62 of Discovery

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Do you two have plans then? Caz x

God, no. I’m too tired to go out to any bars. And I didn’t exactly bring any outfits for a night out. We’ll have dinner, and then I’m calling it a night. Hannah x

What’s the hotel like? Caz x

Caroline didn’t particularly care what it was like. But she did need to know Hannah’s room number. She could ask, but it would ruin the surprise. Well, providing Hannah was surprised by Caroline’s arrival.

Juliet upgraded my suite too. She already had a fancy one, you know what she’s like. So I’m in the prestige suite now. Check me out! Hannah x

Very swanky. Well, have fun. Don’t get too drunk while I’m not there to look after you. Caz x

I wish you were here. My suite is going to be far too big for me alone. Who will keep me warm? I’m sad. Hannah x

Oh, I’ll keep you warm.Caroline grinned, shaking her head slightly.

You’ll be home before you know it. Text me when you’re back at your room. Caz x

I will. Missing you. Hannah x

Missing you, too. Caz x

Caroline locked her phone and lowered it back down to the table. The prestige suite. Sounded wonderful. Caroline could hardly wait to see it for herself.

Now if the train could move a little faster…

* * *

Hannah loweredher satchel to the floor, eyeing the huge bed as she closed her suite door behind her. Juliet had come back to her room with her, but Hannah wasn’t quite sure why. They’d had a light dinner, and now Hannah was ready to shower and climb into bed. It wasn’t late, but Hannah wanted to sleep so she could be fresh for seeing Caroline tomorrow. “You really didn’t have to upgrade me. The one I was in was absolutely fine.”

Juliet looked out at the River Thames, glancing over her shoulder briefly. “I’ve told you, you work for me now. We don’t stay in the small, cramped rooms.”

Okay, but her other room had hardly been small and cramped. She hadn’t even been treated to hotels like this when she was escorting. Not that she’d seen the inside of any hotel rooms with clients. But she often met clients at the hotels they were staying at and had dinner there.

“Well, thank you. It’s lovely.”

“Heard from your lover this evening?” Juliet turned, folding her arms across her chest. The way Juliet referred to Caroline as her ‘lover’ seemed a little odd, but Juliet was a woman who did and said what she pleased. Hannah was beginning to get used to it. “How does she feel about you being away with someone who used to pay you for company?”

“She…doesn’t feel anything about it.” At least, Hannah assumed that. Caroline hadn’t made any kind of comment about Hannah and Juliet being away together. But this was business. Nothing more. “Should she?”

“Did you tell her what I said to you when we had dinner all those weeks ago?”

“Oh, about how you’re jealous of her?” Hannah laughed, throwing herself down on the bed. She sat up on her elbows, watching Juliet as she moved around the suite. “No, I didn’t. Why would I?”

“I just thought it may have come up in conversation.”

Hannah arched a brow when Juliet poured another glass of champagne and handed one over. “Trust me, I’ve been far too busy to be having pointless conversations with Caz.Fartoo busy.”

Juliet lifted a hand, stopping at the foot of the bed. “Okay. The less I know, the better.”

But Hannah wanted to know more. Juliet had always been so closed off while she was her client. She sat up, kicking off her heels and folding her legs under herself. If they were going to get on well at work, Hannah wanted to know how Juliet felt. She wouldn’t haveanyoneinterfering with her relationship. Not even the woman who had thrown her a lifeline with this job. “You really were interested in me?”

“Mmhmm. Perhaps I should have said something before this thing started with your girlfriend.” Juliet remained at the foot of the bed, her hip jutted as she sipped her champagne. “How foolish of me.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Would the answer change anything for you?” Juliet lowered herself to the edge of the bed, turning to face Hannah. “Would it mean anything to you?”

Hannah cleared her throat. “No.”
