Page 83 of Discovery

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“Fine. Okay. Well, we’ll be at the usual bars if you can drag yourselves out the house for friends.”

“Don’t guilt me into it. It simply won’t happen, Brenda.” Caroline lifted a brow as she spoke those words. Six months ago, she wouldn’t have dreamt of saying something like that, but Hannah made her feel brave and comfortable in her own skin. Something nobody had made Caroline feel in a long time. “I’ll let you know. But now I have to go because Hannah will be waiting for me.”

“See you soon, Caz. Have a lovely weekend.”

Ah. Bliss. Brenda had taken the hint. “Yeah. See you soon.”

As Caroline ended the call and locked her phone, she pulled the bolt across the back of Hannah’s door. They had no plans to leave this place tonight, none whatsoever.

“Hannah, you here?” Caroline placed her set of keys into the bowl by the landline handset, dropping her handbag to the floor. She’d gone home from work and showered, and as she’d stood in her bedroom, staring into the mirror, Caroline had decided to wear the new lingerie she’d picked up through the week. No time like the present, right? This was their weekend. Their chance to have fun. And Caroline wanted to make the most of it. She may be slightly terrified, but Hannah would settle her. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d worn sexy lingerie. “Hannah?”

Caroline’s forehead creased when she heard talking in the kitchen. Following the voices, she cleared her throat and moved towards the doorway.

“Babe, hi. I thought I heard you coming in.” Hannah gave Caroline a look. One that said ‘go along with me here’.

“I told you I’d be home not long after you.” Caroline eyed the dark-haired woman standing in front of Hannah. She had no idea who she was. “This a friend?”

Hannah smiled at Caroline when Kirsty turned to face her. “This is Kirsty.”

Kirsty? Oh, Kirsty!

“Can…we help you?”

“I was making dinner for Hannah. Until she ruined the night by telling me she’s involved. I’m assuming it’s you she’s sleeping with now?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t quite call itsleeping with. We’re together. Practically living with one another.” Caroline turned to Hannah. “I waved Edie off when Dylan picked her up. He got out of the car to say hi to me, which I thought was nice of him.”

“I told him who you were. That you’re Edie’s teacher. He was impressed.” Hannah cocked her head towards Kirsty, giving Caroline a knowing look. “So, Kirsty was just leaving.”

“Well, it was lovely to meet you. But I’m just home from work and need a long soak. So…”

Kirsty scoffed. “So…what?”

“So it’s time for you to leave,” Caroline said, stepping closer to Kirsty and turning off the oven. “Hannah and I have plans. Plans that don’t include you.”

Kirsty laughed. “You don’t even know her! She’s going to be my wife.”

“No, Kirsty. I’m not.” Hannah sighed, dragging a hand through her hair. “I understand this is a hard time for you, but we’re not together. We’re not getting married. And we’re not having dinner with one another. Caz is right. We have plans.”

“Would you like a lift to the station?” Caroline asked, aware that the atmosphere had changed. Kirsty looked as though she was ready to blow at any moment. Caroline really didn’t need that. Nor did Hannah. “The bus station? Train?”

Kirsty turned and stood toe to toe with Caroline. She tilted her chin, grinning. “No. But you can get in your car and fuck off. I was here long before you.” Kirsty’s eyes trailed down Caroline’s body, and then she scoffed. “You’re a bitoldfor her!”

“Kirsty, that’s enough!” Hannah stepped between Caroline and Kirsty. “You can’t just come here and behave like this. Have some respect, for the love of God!”

Caroline cleared her throat and prepared a cup of coffee from the machine. While it brewed, silence hanging over the three of them, she turned back to Kirsty. “I’ve had enough drama to last me a lifetime. It’s time foryouto leave.”

“And I’ve already toldyouto fuck off!” Kirsty spat.

“Yeah, this isn’t working for me.” Caz held up a hand, wanting to remove herself from the situation she seemed to have walked into. She focused on Hannah. “Would you mind if I didn’t stay for the rest of this conversation?”

“Kirsty is leaving now. You change and I’ll be right up, okay?”

Caroline smiled weakly, offering a slight nod. While she wanted to watch Kirsty walk out the door, she couldn’t help but feel that by being here, she was only aggravating the situation. “You know where I am if you need me.” Hannah nodded, but Caroline saw through the neutral facial expression she tried to wear. The situation wasn’t ideal, but if Caroline had to stay for Hannah, she would. “I…can stay, if that’s what you want?”

“No, it’s okay.” Hannah turned her face towards Caroline’s ear, her voice low as she said, “I think if this remains a two on one situation, it’s only going to make things worse. I’ll speak to her, humour her, and get rid of her, okay?”

Caroline eyed Kirsty, but she didn’t appear to care that Caroline was in the room at all. She just stood there, her arms folded, glaring.
