Page 89 of Discovery

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Juliet nodded slowly. “I see. Well, I think you two are perfect for one another. I’m glad you found her.”

“She kinda found me. But I’m so thankful that she did. My life has really changed in the last few months. Between meeting Caz and getting this job, I didn’t know it was possible to just be so content.”

“What can I say? The women in your life are very fond of you, Hannah.”

Hannah grinned, her mind beginning to calm now that she’d offloaded on someone. Juliet didn’t mind. She had no issue telling Hannah she wasn’t interested when that was the case. “I’m very fond of them, too.”

Juliet crossed the room and placed a fresh coffee on Hannah’s desk. She smiled down at Hannah, shaking her head. “You really do have it all, don’t you? I’m jealous.”

“I’ve told you. Your timewillcome.”

* * *

“Hi, babe.”Hannah pressed herself to Caroline, kissing the back of her neck. “How was work today?”

“Oh, fine. I told Edie I’d pick her up tonight from Beth’s if Beth’s mum is unable to drop her off. Left her at the gate after school.” Caroline turned around, smiling when those arms of Hannah’s sat securely around her waist. “How was work?”

“Okay. It was a long day, but I’m home now, and you’re here, so that’s all I care about.”

Caroline was happy about that. She’d known Hannah was in her own head all weekend, processing the fact that Kirsty was back in town. Caroline had thought about it herself for all of ten minutes, but she’d decided she wasn’t going to allow it to affect her. What she had here with Hannah and Edie was what counted. Exes could stay in the past. “Since Edie is having dinner at Beth’s, I thought maybe we could just order in and get into something comfortable. Have a lazy night.”

Hannah yawned, resting her head on Caroline’s shoulder. “I’d love that. I don’t think I have the energy to even shower. But give me ten minutes, and I’ll sort myself out.”

“Let me make you a cuppa while you get your heels off and sit down for a minute.” Caroline noted the tiredness in Hannah’s gorgeous blue eyes as she stepped away, trying but failing to stifle a yawn. “Go. Sit down before I carry you into the living room myself.”

Hannah cocked her head as she reached out and took Caroline’s hand. The softness had Caroline wanting to follow Hannah, wrap them up in a blanket, and never leave the house again. “Do you have any idea how proud I am to call you mine?”

“I swear if you make me cry—”

Hannah squeezed Caroline’s hand. “Only happy tears in this relationship, babe.”

“You’re supposed to be going to sit down but here you are, just making me want to kiss you.” Caroline pulled Hannah back in by the waist, capturing her mouth. When Hannah melted into her, Caroline could only smile against those gorgeous lips. Soft and inviting. Filled with hope. “Now, please, go and rest. I know you haven’t been sleeping.”

“W-what? I…have.”

Caroline gave Hannah a knowing look. There was no use in Hannah lying. She’d done nothing but toss and turn all weekend. “Don’t lie to me. I see right through it.”

Hannah lowered her eyes, toying with Caroline’s fingers.

“Tell me what’s on your mind. Please.”

“Just this whole Kirsty thing. I don’t want her to become an issue for us.”

Caroline cupped Hannah’s cheek. She had a feeling Hannah had been worrying about it but hadn’t Friday night given Hannah all the answers she needed as to how Caroline felt? “She won’t become an issue. I had no idea it was playing on your mind so much. I knew you’d thought about it. I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.”

“What we have here, Caz, it’s…perfect to me. Edie and I are so stupidly in love with you, and I don’t want that toevernot be the case.”

“Come with me.” Caroline guided Hannah out of the kitchen and into the living room. They sunk down into the couch together, Caroline holding Hannah when she curled around her. “If you think I’m willing to allow someone to come between us, you’reverywrong. This means so much to me too, and I don’t care who Kirsty is…she’s not going to interfere. Unless you still feel something for her, then I have no reason to be worried, Hannah.”

“I don’t feel anything for her, Caz. And I hope you know that.” Hannah splayed a hand across Caroline’s chest, leaning up and kissing her slowly. “She means nothing to me. I just…don’t want her to keep coming back here. I don’t know how unstable she is.”

“Everything is going to be fine, okay?” Caroline pressed her lips to Hannah’s forehead, tightening her arm around her. “Stop worrying about something that isn’t for us to deal with. We have one another, and we’re going to be okay.”

“You think?” Hannah asked, her voice breaking.

“No, I know it. Because this…it’s all I’ve ever wanted. You make me so happy, Hannah. I may not look like much when it comes to confrontation, and I may have been weak some time ago, but not anymore. And that’s becauseyouhave reminded me of who I am deep down. You have given me back the confidence I’d lost the moment I met Naomi. In my book, that says everything. It tells me that we’re meant to be.”

“We are. Without a doubt. And Iamproud of you, Caz. So proud.”
