Page 91 of Discovery

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“Do you have parental rights? A contact order?”


“No, you do not. Now take your hands off Edie, and then we can call Hannah and put this all to rest. If she has told you to collect her, then no harm has been done, but as her teacher, I have a responsibility to protect Edie. From you and whoever else I have to contend with.”

Kirsty scoffed, letting go of Edie’s hand. “You’re a bitch.”

Caroline turned to Edie and crouched until she was at her level. “Can you do me a favour and wait inside at reception for me? I’ll be ten minutes, and then we can get you home.”

“Did you decide what we’re having tonight?”

Caroline grinned, squeezing Edie’s shoulder gently. “I did, but it’s a surprise. Now go on. Scoot.”

She watched Edie cross the road, her anger just about ready to blow at any moment. When she turned back to Kirsty, it was clear from her facial expression that Hannah’s ex really didn’t believe she’d done anything wrong. She appeared surprised. Kirsty…was unstable.

Tread carefully, Caz.

“Look, if you really want to spend a few hours with Edie, I’m fine with that. But you can’t just show up out of the blue.”

“You’refinewith it? Who the fuck asked you for your opinion?”

Stay calm.

“Like I said, as her teacher, I have a responsibility, Kirsty. That’s all.”

“You’re not fucking Hannah anymore?”

Huh. Maybe Caroline could use this to her advantage. She wasn’t sure what else to do. If Kirsty knew she was about to call the police, she would flee. That was the last thing they needed. “No, I’m not.”

“Then move out of my fucking way and let me take my kid for something to eat.”

Caroline took her phone from her pocket and waved it at Kirsty. “I’ll just call Hannah and let her know so she doesn’t turn up here to collect Edie herself. She can have an hour or two to herself then.”

Kirsty’s eyes lit up as she nodded. “Sure. Yeah. She needs a break. I can help with that.”

Caroline turned her back, dialling 999 immediately. She took a couple of steps away, smiling as she looked over her shoulder at Kirsty.

“Emergency. Which service?”

“Police, please.” Caroline strolled further away from Kirsty, but not far enough for her to be suspicious.

“Police emergency.”

“Hi, yes. I’d like to report an attempted abduction. St Peter’s High. Thorncross Street.”

“Okay, I have a unit on its way to you, but I’m going to need some other information.”

“Of course, yes.”

“Can I take your name?” The call handler asked, clicking away on the keyboard.

“Caroline Baker.”

“And can I ask what’s happened, Caroline?”

“I was leaving the premises. I’m a teacher at St Peter’s. A student I know was being led away by her mother’s ex-partner. My main concern is that the ex-partner in question is spiralling. She’s been around to their house recently after leaving for quite some time. She’s not stable—I’m certain of that. She’s also here with me now and unaware that I’m on the phone to you, so…”

“I see. Is she likely to run?”
